STAY AWAY FROM EBAY. IT IS AN UNETHICAL AND INHUMANE BUSINESS. I am a 70-year-old woman. I tried to register as a new customer today, and it was blatantly obvious that they deliberately used their electronic registration software to trick me over and over to get me upset and force me away. I tried politely but firmly to get an employee to discuss this with me, but their customer service is a sham. It is 99% impossible to talk to someone on the phone. I managed to after a long wait and got a young woman who stonewalled the whole thing and refused to call a manager.
Later, at home, I began to remember that my now deceased son must have given them a lot of grief selling "rare" used car parts there, probably having "borrowed" MY credit card. The right thing, and the kind thing, for them, would have been to talk it over with me.