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Ebay Reviews

Bruised09 March 4, 2009
eBay operates a marketplace that is wild west like Buyer Beware. They eBay company erects BS rules and alleged arbitration systems but beneath it all eBay is BUYER BEWARE. The only protection or security eBay provides is for its PowerSellers above the Gold level.

The online community forums are a sham. The forums are dominated by mostly low-life sellers who give snooty replies to sincere questions from honest sellers and buyers.

My friends and I suspect, based on the insane rulings and replies many people get from eBay and eBay-Paypal arbitration that arbitration is operated by an Artificial Intelligence Engine, which is why people are advised to submit very short explainations. The more data (words) input into the best human speech AI engines the less the AI can generate an intelligent response. We suspect the engine is loaded in favor of the bigger Power Sellers. The rank itself is a fraud. Clearly, buyers are supposed to think "Power Seller" is an award eBay grants to honest, good service sellers. In fact, the rank has nothing to do with buyers. It is an eBay reward for sellers who generate a lot of fees for eBAY AND EbAY -Paypal.

We still do a lot of buying on eBay. I worked out a near perfect system for buying safely. Rule number one. Do not waste precious time and head banging with eBay or eBay-Paypal arbitration. Usually, buyers lose, you never get any shipping returned & you get a negative as punishment from the scam seller for bothering to arbitrate.

Rule two. ONLY buy with Paypal and link Paypal only to a credit card. Paypal is big but it is no way as big or powerful as your credit card company. When you have been cheated or failed to get fair play, simply email the seller. After the seller either ignores your emails or gives you a stupid response, call you credit card company and ask for a CHARGE BACK. In most cases they will do an immediately charge back of THE ENTIRE AMONG, including shipping.

It gets better. Paypal then charges a nice fee from the seller for 1. your complaint & 2. for the service of taking the money back and returning it to your charge card!

Next, never buy from a Powerseller with a high positive feedback without inputting his name into toolhaus. You will often be surprised at the many negatives and neutrals toolhaus will find that eBay is hiding from buyers.

Try to buy from sellers with a few hundred feedback who have a 100% positive. They value their high rating an want to keep it. Scammers prey on that and honest buyers are protected by it.

Finally, the eBay forums are a bad joke. They are monitored by censors ebay falsely calls "moderators"
Alexandr February 24, 2009
Suspended my account for no reason
eBay suspended my account for no reason. When I sent the email for reopen, nobody helped me at all. Right now for more than half year, I contacted them again. They told me they will not read my email again. What kind of company is this? I told them if possible, I want to talk with their supervisor. They told me they will not read my email any more.

I can not understand the customer service for them at all.
scompany February 21, 2009
So they decided to kick me off ebay for good. Get this, after doing some online research- that 30 day suspension is actually a complete ban. Yet they don't say it. Oh, and it says to resolve outstanding complaints before you "try again" if you want to get back on, but as said already, it doesn't mean what it says since they don't respond to emails on how you go about "resolving" those complaints. Which by the way, there are no more complaints to resolve -- this is a result of a few negative feedbacks -- even though my total positive feedback is 2000+ and my percentage is 99% with DSR ratings all nearly an exact 5/5. After 5 years of service this is how they treat you. In the past, they've scammed me by letting the buyer win a dispute (paypal) -- who then stole the item AND got his money back. Paypal is owned by Ebay-- keep that in mind. Also, they screwed me over a third time on all this - as they now have -$35 balance they OWE me. Does it look like I'll get those back? ... I bet it if it was the other way around, I'd have collections agencies after me by now. Indeed I will look into how to get that money returned since they leave me no option. This complaint is not intended to revert buyers away from ebay, but to prepare you to NOT to try getting back on when they shove you off. Literally, they don't care about you. At least not until they start heading in the downward slope. Until then, there is Amazon for me. Cheers
Orlando February 13, 2009
Worst service ever
Ebay does not enforce its own listing policies, and the feedback system is virtually useless.

Their customer service is a joke.

The people that answer phone calls only direct the caller to help articles or forms on the website. Any complaints or concerns that you send via the available contact forms on EBay are answered with a form letter response.

The whole system is structured in such a way that you will never speak to anyone with any authority and no one will ever look at the “big picture” if you are having a problem with a seller, particularly a high volume seller. You can report a listing violation, you can request feedback withdrawal, you can open unpaid or undelivered item disputes, each of these processes occurs in a vacuum. No one will ever look at all of them together and connect the dots.

There are people that have set up EBay stores that simply post a bunch of listings for all of the items they carry, regardless of whether or not they actually have the item to deliver. If you report the listing violation EBay will do nothing. The ad will stay up until it expires.

So, a seller that does this on a regular basis would have a lot of negative feedback, right? NO, and here’s why: If you leave negative or even neutral feedback for them THEY WILL LEAVE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK FOR YOU, and then demand mutual withdrawal. EBay still allows the seller to leave feedback to your account even if the item violated listing policy!

I left negative feedback for a seller because he did not have the item listed and did not let me know for over two weeks. I also reported the listing violation. He immediately left negative feedback for me and even used the word “backordered” in the feedback comments, thus admitting the listing violation. He then opened an unpaid item dispute, even though I paid with PayPal and he knew I had record of it.

The only thing EBay did about any of this was to remove the unpaid item strike from my account when I appealed and sent proof of payment…and they acted like they were doing me a BIG favor. They even sent me some links to some helpful articles to read, so maybe I could learn not to screw up so bad in the future.
b4bes.0121 February 9, 2009
diet pills
i ordered tablets from ebay 27th jan 2009. ebay emailed me 28th to tell me my parcel had been posted that day, but i still havent got it .payment was taken from our bank card 27th jan
Bela January 16, 2009
I have been a member of EBay since 2001. I have bought and sold items on EBay for the last seven years. I always paid and accapted payments with checks and USPS Money Orders. Now EBay changed their rules so you can't use anything other than an electronic process to buy or pay for goods.

Earlier this year I had a CC on file with EBay. The account number was stolen and was used by an unknown persons to charge things on several unauthorized sites. The CC issuer caught the fraud and advise us of it. We were able to get the unauthorized charges taken off uor account. The CC was canceled and closed. The only place it was used was on EBay online and thats how the criminals got the number.

Now EBay won't let me place any adds or bid because I don't have the electronic means to pay or accept payments.

In a modern age it is discrimination against senior citizens to prevent them from participating in a legal transactions.

Its hard enough paying for medecine to keep alive on, now I can't even sell a few things to help pay for medicines I need.
Jack January 16, 2009
Bad service
I recieved no reply after filing 2 compaints about a despute with a seller over the amount of shipping. I was subsenquently given a nonpayment bad mark against my account.

I closed my account with ebay after having been in excellentstanding with a 100%.

It is too late to do anythinything for me. Ebay has no customer service and needs to get customr service. It is almost impossible to find proper contact information for the company on its website.
upset January 15, 2009
full of scams
60% of the auctions I have won have turned out to be scams. I made my payment promptly, but never received the products even though the sellers had superb feedback. Beware!!! Stay away from Ebay!!! Ebay is bad!!!
Ebay insider January 2, 2009
Ebay insider tells all
I posted this at the feedback forum at eBay but it was killed by staff less than a minute later. I should have known. My ID will be toast soon anyway. This was the only other place I thought where my statement might have an impact. Do with it what you will. After Chicago, my only desire is to be heard.
There will be those who will not believe me and I sympathize. I wish the facts were fiction but to deny what I know would be to live in a fairyland of make-believe. I understand that the bulk of this “manifesto” reveals a plot so against the spirit of eBay that it will be dismissed as lie. So be it. I cannot force the world to accept it. All I can do is state the truth as I know it and leave it to you and to your common sense and experience to judge.

The deck is stacked against me. Aside from the natural resistance to believe I know that the boards are stocked with eBay’s tools. Their goal will be to discredit me. I will be accused of being a “disgruntled”, “paranoid”, and “emotional” seller. Their words will be specially chosen for effect. That is part of the function of the tools and I am not fazed by it. However, to protect my own identity within the corporation, I cannot be too specific lest the details single me out to the powers that be.

What I intend to reveal is common knowledge to many in the management division behind the scenes.

By the way, the tools are not only the mouthpieces that promote the policies. The psychological tactics employed by the powers that be are far deeper and grander than that. The subtlety of the method is remarkable. The tools come in a wide range of flavors with their own, individual “characteristic” rhetoric. From those who are “for” the policy - and spread various degrees of hostility toward the sellers - to those who are “against” the change - and spread panic and further the divide with the buyers. Both serve the same exact purpose: a manipulation designed to remove the more involved and savvy small to large sellers who will not fit into eBay’s future business plan.

First, let me correct the record regarding the concept of sellers extorting positive feedback. While the violation was known to happen, the activity amounted to less than a tenth of a percent of the yearly transactions. Further, it involved sellers whose feedback percentages were below 80%. The absolute majority of sellers did not engage in such practices. Nevertheless, the powers that be could not resist the fact that promoting this notion of feedback extortion as a wide-spread phenomenon would be the perfect cover with which to hide the true intentions of the policy.

The powers that be want to transform eBay into an overstock warehouse venue. A kind of outlet store for the internet much like a cheaper and streamlined version of Amazon. From a strictly business point of view, given the size of eBay and the growing costs of doing business, it makes a certain kind of sense to shift gears. Think about it: when eBay started, sellers were about rare and unique items but here and now the majority of items are common, used counterparts of what can be found new online at retail sites. Truly rare and unique items are sold at real auctions; the “stuff in your attic” isn’t glamorous enough and won’t keep eBay afloat any longer.

The trend away from the rare and unique to the big box retailer is not new. Several years ago the powers that be noticed that the big “powersellers” were simply listing items that existed in their retail stores or inventories. Thus the concept of “buy it now”, “best offer”, and “eBay stores” were created. It was the nascent stage of the plan yet to be. Little by little, without the population noticing, the mechanisms required to replicate the average retail storefront were already in place - and with its rise came the slow, steady downfall of the auction format.

Yet outright pursuit of a retail venue would have led to a major problem that at the time could not have been surmounted. The vast majority of people, on and off line, know eBay as precisely the place for auctions of rare and unique items. The sellers and buyers held onto that perception too but in truth their opinion even involvement in new and improved version of eBay is irrelevant by a certain Machiavellian calculation made by the powers that be. As part of the plan, eBay calculated thus: even if they lost the sellers as part of the change, the buyers will be coming back to buy regardless of who or what operated within the retail-outlet venue.

No, it was the stock holders who the powers that be feared.

Only the stockholders had the power to change the direction set forth by the CEO and the board. So it became imperative to change the equation. Part of the plan is to devalue the stock gradually so that investors merely dumped the stock as opposed to wanting managerial change ala Yahoo. Then to buy back the stock at lower cost and to such a volume that no rebellion against the powers that be were possible.

By the end of July that phase of the plan will be successful and there est of the plan will be revealed without fear of backlash from those who otherwise would have had the power to pull eBay back from the brink. Indeed, if you believe the current changes are obvious signals that small sellers are not wanted - be prepared - you have seen nothing yet.

So far what have they done? All they have managed to do is silence a seller’s ability to warn others about buyers (half of the purpose behind the original idea of feedback), burden you with higher and higher fees, dangle “treats” like discounts while setting the bar of eligibility so high that the rewards cannot be reached. and, by the way PayPal deals with “complaints” leave you vulnerable to fraud. What if worse was yet to come?

They know if you do not feel safe that you will not use eBay. The changes that have been enacted only eliminates the small sellers. Meanwhile they want to eradicate the mid-sized seller too. And they want to ensure that both do not return.

For the mid-sized seller the DSR became the tool of choice. The powers that be raised the level of what is a good seller artificially high. No manipulation is required; they know exactly the effect of the policy. This is why buyers are told that 4 is a good score and sellers are told that 4.9 yields discounts and higher listing placements. As long as that fractured point of view exists, eBay does not need to interfere with the DSR as has been suggested, the buyers will be killing the sellers naturally.

By August there will be no pretense and the intentions of the new and improved eBay will be clear. The following is only a partial list of the rules that will be imposed. It comes from a memo that circulated within my corner of the managerial department the week before Chicago. I cannot be too specific about certain items and I cannot reveal details of the latest additions without endangering my anonymity.

1. Neutrals will be converted to negatives complete with red icons and reduced feedback scores. Afterward neutrals will not be offered as a choice of feedback.

2. The entire process of feedback will be automated. Buyers and sellers will chose standard feedback from a list. For sellers this operation will be performed automatically upon the buyer winning. For buyers there will be an extra free line with which to add a few comments about the seller without restriction to content. Replies will not be allowed.

3. The implementation of a stricter rules regarding shipping. From the boxes, packing, labels and tapes to where you can buy postage. Orders have been placed for prototypes of “eBay” boxes. UPS and FedEx will be instructed not to accept “eBay” merchandise if it’s not inside “eBay” boxing. They will know, of course, because when sellers buy the “eBay” postage from the “eBay” source, a detailed list of contents with item numbers will be available to the shippers upon scanning a bar code. As for those who continue to use USPS, another level of quality control will be implemented - buyers will be asked, upon confirmation of delivery, if the seller used “eBay” standard shipping items. Naturally, no verification of the buyer’s truthfulness will be attempted, and continued ‘infractions’ will result in suspension. eBay will have other ways to check if a seller is not using the “eBay” equipment - as they will be required to buy at cost the supplies immediately after items are listed. (This is such a large scale operation behind the scenes that I feel comfortable sharing as much of it as I know.)

4. Sales taxes will be included automatically; shipping cost and sales taxes will be used to determined FVF.

5. Item descriptions will be “standardized” with templates which include the posting of a new, universal return policy. Only yearly subscribers to the retail-outlet venue can opt out of these universal return policies but even they cannot alter the template structures being devised.

6. Strikes against buyers will be eliminated as the whole concept of a buyer and bidding will be altered. FVF will be calculated when payment is submitted.

7. Time to Close will be eliminated entirely. Best Match will be the non-alterable default. Best Match is a system that caters to the needs of shoppers not bidders.

8. Placement within Best Match will be determined by several factors, the most important of which will be the extra display features added onto the listing.

9. DSRs can be removed by retailers and powersellers who pay a certain yearly fee.

10. The end play itself which consists of four phases:
a) the main focus shifts to retail sellers whose fees are on a per listing basis
b) stores will be replaced by a classified section, fees will be based on yearly subscriptions and FVFs
c) occasional auctions will be conducted for unique items (celebrity auctions, items that have been featured on the news, etc.)
d) total elimination of auctions for regular sellers.

From the point of view of eBay’s agenda to change gears these alteration make sense. The powers that be want to turn eBay into a retail venue format. Therefore the “buyer” must be changed - bidding and commitments to buy are part of the past. In a retail venue, the item is either in your cart or not and you only commit to buy when you pay at checkout. The seller is also redefined in the way they will be required to do business. They will be forced to copy the methods of retail stores.

The goal is to become Amazon Lite. Unlike Amazon the merchandise will be stocked by the retailers in their warehouses, eBay will be just an electronic centralized venue for outlet sale - a “trusted” name with a wide customer base and popular name recognition.

That is the future and as I write this I know that it cannot be stopped. There are no investors with enough clout and will to challenge the CEO. Stock holders will simply walk away. eBay will not sink, however, it will be exactly in the position its rulers intend it to be at.

Sellers, my advice is simple. You are not wanted. Leave. If you stay, you will be crushed. Leave. Go away. You cannot win.

I am sorry because for too long I have been a complicit tool behind the scenes. I was part of those teams and think tanks that spearheaded many of the “innovations” you know very well and which will be used to destroy you. I know I will not be believed. I will be mocked and ridiculed by the tools and even those who are real, actual people will be hesitant to accept what I have to say. What has been done to this community, the plots and schemes hatched in meetings and across memos, is far, far worse to endure within my soul than any treatment I will receive at the hands of the tools by posting this. You do not know how much they hate you. It is my conscience that I want to clear going forward. Again I apologize. There should have been a better way for the powers that be to effect the change they wanted for eBay - instead they succumbed to cloak and dagger deception.

RIP eBay
Crossbones December 23, 2008
Bad support for sellers
I have sold a graphic card over Ebay. The customer first complains that it lack a certain piece of it. Then he sees that it's a piece that comes with a stronger power supply he needs. So he go buy a power supply the fifth day he writes again saying that the card has the six pin plug is broken and is almost loose from the card. The card was a used one i had it for a year, and changed it for a stronger one. It was in perfect shape. I cleaned it up with dry air. and it was perfect. First he said the six pin plug was missing then it is loose on the card. He pull a claim on ebay so i have to give him a refund and the f... wins and i have to give him his money back. And i will get back my card now broken that he probably broke himself. So i have no money and no card to sell I'm loosing 97$ totally because i won't be able to sell it again. Thx Ebay just hope everybody sees you can't defend you sellers. That's pathetic.

A very peed off seller

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