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Ebay Reviews

July 14, 2007
They just wont help me
I bid on an item,my daughter bid on two shirts without telling me,well we won. I know its my fault for not checking my ebay. But i tried to make it right. Ive been on live chat about 8-9 times, contacted customer support numerous times, sent emails to trust and safety dept many, many times, then they tell me i have to contact the sellers myself, so i do, 3 times each. I told them i didn't want the product just wanted to pay for them,i think all 3 totaled about 25.00. The third time nothing from one of them, the other was very rude, and the third told me that he found someone.

Who wanted to pay and if i contacted him again i would have to deal with him and his attorneys. Wrote back to ebay about being threatened and they did nothing. I just wanted to pay them and lift the block so i could continue to use my ebay, nothing.

I tried to cancel my ebay account, i cant even do that until i resolve the issue with the sellers, well the sellers wont deal with me. I think ebay should have some rules for the sellers and at least help the bidders with their problems. I am not a criminal i made a mistake.
June 11, 2007
Ebay does not police their auctions!
I want to make a long story short. I was recently the victim of fraud by a seller on Ebay. I won a photo CD containing reference material on a specific Star Trek studio model. I specifically asked the seller via eBay if any of these photos had been published. He assured me that all the photos came from his camera while he worked on the paramount lot. I paid immediately after winning and waited anxiously for the CD. Of course when it arrived I realized that all photos on the CD were copyrighted by Paramount, and therefore illegal to sell. I asked the seller for a refund of which he refused. I contacted Pay pal to complain and was happy to learn that Pay Pal after a few days refunded my money. I thought that was it until I received a negative from this seller. I promptly contacted eBay to ask for assistance in having the feedback removed as I believed the auction should not have been allowed to transpire in the first place. However, I understand that Ebay does not police their auctions. Ebay refused to remove the feedback stating that even though the actions of the person leaving the feedback may violate eBay policy, the actions are not related to the feedback and do not make the feedback removable. They have failed to make me understand how the sellers actions were not related to the sale. He left me negative feedback because I reported him for fraud. EBay has also removed my particular listing as well. Yet even in doing so, they refuse to remove the feedback. There is no law in existence that prohibits eBay from removing such feedback. The laws in existence protect eBay from refusing to remove feedback if they so wish. I have requested numerous times to speak with someone from eBay to which they refuse. And to date, no one from eBay can explain how feedback left in retaliation for reporting fraud is not considered abuse and not eligible for removal, nor related to a particular sellers actions!!

The message from eBay is quite clear. They are sorry that I have been the victim of fraud (proven by Paramounts legal department), and they are sorry I received the bogus feedback, but they refuse to aid me in it's removal, instead opting to allow this seller to call me a scam artist which in turn questions my integrity.

Obviously there is nothing I can do, and eBay will continue to play stupid. I hope JK Rowling wins her lawsuit and eBay is FORCED to make some changes.
May 20, 2007
I got completely ripped off
I have fallen victim to a scam through ebay, I was selling a very expensive phone worth £300 and a fraudster from Nigeria put in a bid for £443.00, Ebay emailed me to say that i needed to re list it as the bidder did not have the authority to place the bid. But then i got an email from deanleber (the bidder) saying that the bid was made by him. 5 minutes later i got another email to say that it was the authorized bidder and the account has been restored and if i didn't send the phone within 24hrs my account would be suspended, i also received an email from paypal to say that the money was being held in an account and would be released into my account as soon as i gave them a shipping number I fell hook line and sinker and posted it off, I had a horrible feeling that something wasn't right so i searched through the ebay site t0o try and find something to do with spoof emails it took me 2 hours they are that well hidden, they are no good to anyone... My gripe with ebay is why do they not have alerts on there home page for people about these sort of things, i had never used ebay before and will never use them again because of this i am a victim but all ebay could do was say they were sorry (that didn't give me my £300 phone back though did it). I am so angry that someone has done this to me and i am so angry that ebay have done nothing to try and make me feel better.

They are useless!!!
March 6, 2007
The bidding system is rigged!
Details for item number: 120094256304
Item URL:
During the final minutes of the bid it appears that the site was using an automated system to force up the price of the item. We were receiving challenging bids in dollars and cents e.g. $238.35 faster than we could type. In other words it appears that a number of individuals affiliated with the site are actively collaborating to increase the price on the item. We have bid on items many times on eBay and have never seen it done this obviously. We want you to investigate this matter and let us know if such behavior is appropriate. We have notified our colleagues and affiliates to avoid bidding on that site and to be wary of other sites on eBay that exhibit the same behavior. We are also reporting this matter to the US Department of Commerce and US Department of Justice. Thank You.
February 2, 2007
Spoiled, greedy, uncaring machine!
I had an account with ebay for 4 years. From 2001 until 2004 I never had a problem with purchasing anything from ebay. When I decided to sell in 2005 thats when I begun to have problems .

Someone decided to keep bidding on my items and not paying for them. Ebay gave me a bunch of bullcrap steps to prevent this from happening but of course none of it worked. I forwarded all the emails and messages the person sent me, ebay agreed that it was the same person who was repeatedly bidding and not paying but refused to help me. I stopped using ebay (with a feedback score of 100% mind you) and of course they suspended my account for non payment of seller fees.

Now a year and a half later, they suspend my sisters account for association (How they knew we were associated is beyond me, but this happened the DAY AFTER someone flagged the sale of one of her items and ebay just canceled the auction. Without giving her the reason why of course. Probably harassment from the same person who was harassing me.). She also has 100% feedback. We don't even live in the same STATE, never mind the same household and haven't for years before we started using ebay (And when we lived in the same state we STILL NEVER lived in the same household). We have offered to send physical proof to show that we are not the same person, to add to the proof that they should ALREADY have on file (bank account information, addresses in different states, names ect.) and all they say is I understand your frustration but theres nothing we can do to help you.

How they are legally allowed to hold someone responsible for someone else's doings is beyond my comprehension. I mean really if my neighbor that I have lunch with every day shoots someone down the block can the cops arrest me because I eat with him everyday? Or if my sister owed $10,000 to her credit card company and I used her card once 5 yrs ago are they allowed to sue ME for her bill? Of course not.
While I know that these 2 things seem like harsh comparisons, for people who have given up their jobs, their entire LIVES, to sell on ebay and have had such illegal whims pushed upon them and have lost everything, its not.

And you know what else? Half of their "Rules" aren't even in the user agreement, nor can they be found in search. Even the customer service rep couldn't find associations ANYWHERE in the user agreement. What, they get to make up the rules as they go along? They are allowed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed today and just STEAL peoples money and ruin their lives, or just close your account for the fun of it and don't need a legitimate reason?

Maybe we should all band together and start a class action suit against the spoiled, greedy, uncaring machine that is ebay for having unclear rules and regulations and misrepresentation of their site. Maybe if we all start going to the news people like Help Me Howard or writing to people like Montel some of us can get some justice and at the least, prevent it from happening to others.
January 9, 2007
Unjustly removed from eBay!
On Jan. 7, 2007 I received noticed from eBay that my account dhskansas1 has been suspended for association with another account for which they suspended also. The other account was mamawshouse2, which is my wife's account, but I have nothing to do with. She sold an item the person claimed they never received. On Jan. 7, 2007 this person filed an "Item not received" dispute. eBay immediately removed both accounts. Usually, you have have at least 10 days to replay to a dispute. The dispute was resolve on Jan. 7, 2007 by issuing a full refund.

This is unjustified, arbitrary and an abuse of their power to remove my account, dhskansas1, from selling on eBay. I have 952 (100%) positive feedback and have been a powerseller for over a year and half. Despite numerous emails and telephone calls, my account remains suspended.

Their action and in-action is outrageous and I cannot believe they would treat me like this. eBay has no reason to suspend my account. Something needs to be done about this type of action by eBay. I left my job to sell on eBay and have done a great job at it. This is how I am rewarded, suspended for something that nothing to do with my actions or account.
December 11, 2006
Kicked off of ebay for no reason!
I tried to put up for auction some back issues of Penthouse magazine on e-bay, I made sure to look at other auctions of this type to make sure I did everything correctly before I put this magazines up for auction.

About 20 minutes after I placed my auction and it was accepted all heck broke loose. I was barraged with e-mails from e-bay telling me that I violated the safe harbor act and that my auction was terminated and I was suspended from buying or selling on e-bay. I immediately e-mailed e-bay to try and find out what I had did wrong so I could correct it. After about 5 e-mails over a two week period I finally received a response tell me that e-bay was ramping up there fraud detection and that unfortunately some honest members have to go through some extra steps before they can use e-bay, and that they were sorry but they could not reveal what I did wrong. The e-mail went on to say that I would need to file an appeal by fax and provide them a bunch of information and that I would receive a decision within 24 to 72 hours. I figured o.k if this is what I need to do I'll do it. I did this two weeks ago and I hope maybe you have heard from them because I sure haven't, not only that my account is not just suspend it is now non existent. I have placed the same auctions on Amazon, Bid Ville and placed ads on Google base since all this happen and have not had one problem. First off e-bay's customer service is non existent and if it does exist it stinks really bad and second what gives them the right to just do what every they want in what I would consider secret and not even give you the courtesy to tell you what you did wrong and they let you appeal but obviously there appeals process is a real joke as well.
December 7, 2006
Unfair pricing by eBay sellers!
Our kids wanted action figures that tied into a cartoon show. After going the usual places and coming up empty-handed, we decided to check eBay. Sure enough, the action figures were there. BUT, the lowest price to start bidding was $149.00 (for ONE figure)!! Somethings not right about this. Unfortunately, I guess greed is the new American way of life and there's not a whole lot I can do about it.
November 9, 2006
Ridiculous system of feedback
Ebay uses this ridiculous system of feedback to see how "honest" a dealer is...the more positive feedback the better. This allows people to build up their feedback very easily. The honest people who get lousy goods and complain get bad feedback and if it happens more than 3 times, you are out- no explanations accepted. I am a Rolex Dealer. I bid and won 3 watches. One was a fake for $880.00, one was a 1993 submariner, in terrible shape for $2950.00, and the other was a tudor prince which had a new case, an aftermodel band and a 1963 movement for$1200.00. Needless to say, all of these watches were misrepresented'....so I returned them all. I was suspended due to "nonpayment of goods" Would you pay for these watches?
November 2, 2006
Lack of customer service!
Here's a copy of the letter I sent to e-bay on 10/4/06 almost a month ago with no response from ebay as of today. I contacted their customer service telephone number and was told that they are not able to service this type of compliant. When I asked to speak with someone who could, I was told that customers could not speak with this department and that they could only communicate with them via email - which obviously hasn't worked for the past month. Also, I am not going to purchase this item from this seller for obvious reasons and do not want to be forced to do so. Also, I wish to permantly close my account with e-bay. I also have friends who wish to do the same who now refuse to buy or sell on ebay due to my experience with their "lack of customer service".

Plus, after emailing e-bay immediately after things started to turn downward in working this out with the seller and not receiving a response from e-bay, they allowed the seller to post negative messages against my profile. This "bans" me from making any future purchases on e-bay until I pay these outrategeous shipping charge of $30 to a rude and nasty seller for a $6 item. I bidded on an item and was the highest bidder, but following my email to E-bay, was banned from purchasing it due to this issue.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter in reference to my most recent purchase. I am writing due to the shipping costs that a seller is trying to charge me. These costs were not disclosed prior to purchasing the item. I wrote to the seller, and asked what method of shiiping was being used to justify such an expensive shipping cost.

The sellers response was that "Hi dear buyer!This boots cost $80.00, you got just for $6.00 .That why shipping cost extra money ,24.99 just for canada" and "i live in canada ,i need to pay for border ,and somebody working for me ,i have to pay for him too.thats why its cost me" and finally stated "it is not your business ,you do not have to know who helps me ship and how much i pay for handling.it is my problem wich way i will ship it."

As a consumer, I do have the right to ask the method that an item is being shipped since I am paying $25 to ship a pair of light weight boots that everyone else on your site is charging $10 for shipping. At this point in time, I still do not know if these boots are being shipped by UPS or FedEx, overnight or standard shipping.

I feel that this seller's attitude is unprofessional and beligerent. I no longer wish to purchase this item from the seller due to the comments I quoted above that were written to me from the seller. As a consumer, I do not deserve to be treated like this by anyone, let alone someone who I am purchasing something from. I would not accept this type of customer service from a merchant on a face to face transaction and I refuse to accept it on an on-line transaction as well.

I have purchased many items from E-bay without difficulty from a seller or E-bay and I am pleased with the quality of service I have received in the past. I hope that you can resolve this issue so that I can comfortable continue to be an E-bay customer. Thank you in advance for your time and anticipated cooperation in this matter.

Tonya Domenico

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