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Ebay Reviews

Ripoffbuster September 29, 2010
Some Buyers Work For eBay
Over the years I have purchased thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from eBay sellers. It goes without saying that there will be, at the very least a few of them that will get a negative for normal reasons. Such as forgetting to ship an item paid for immediately or never shipping it, selling me a used and worn item described as New In Box, or just flat out not answering the phone or email regarding my purchase.

The problem is……eBay hires buyers to purchase merchandise listed on eBay for the sole purpose of doling out retribution.

I received a negative from one of eBay’s behind the scenes buyers. eBay thinks they are God-like and feels free to punish whomever they decide needs to be taught a lesson. Anyway this buyer left me a negative before he got home to open the package so I contacted the idiot (get a real job) via the Feedback Withdraw Form but he refused a full refund and said I deserved a negative. He lied about the product which was brand new and perfect and he had not yet received the package so how could there be something wrong with an item he did not have yet?
I called eBay to try and resolve this because I was sick of the canned responses from their contact site. “We sorry can’t help.” or “What do you mean we don’t understand.” I left feedback for him warning all others of his lie. Well the eBay officials removed my feedback from his forum. Protecting their own might need to use him again. I have turned this incident over to an attorney that specializes in eBay lawsuits with all the correspondence, item tracking number receipt dates, his name, email, address, etc. Will sell on Craig’s List from now on.
cjm2010 September 28, 2010
Unfairly removes listings
I have been a long time eBay member for many years and have always complied with their policies. But recently, and I believe this is a competitor causing trouble, eBay has been removing my listings without warning. I have said in my titles that a particular bead/charm, fits Pandora. (This is because many customers want to know if these beads will fit their existing bracelets. ) I have been doing this for awhile, then suddenly I have been having my listings removed, eBay stating that I must not use any company's name in a listing unless it is something made by that company. Well, then I searched and found that at least 38, 000 other listings had the same "fits Pandora" for non-Pandora products in their listing titles. eBay of course tries to claim I am not unfairly being singled out, but I don't believe it!

Then I asked too, if I could at least have some time to change the listings they are "offended" by, I have an old slow computer, things take time and I at least deserve a warning first. ( I yet don't have a good answer.) When I asked about the other 38, 000 listings I found they claimed "they are working on it, and will send these offenders out warning e-mails. (By the way, I didn't even get that.)

I think that partly eBay does this to collect the extra fees. They just don't have enough! If you have to relist, they get to charge again, isn't that just dandy?

Then, I also asked about another listing for another product that I carry. A year ago, I received a letter from the attorney of a jewelry manufacuter, that had recently prevailed in a court ruling and that if I wanted to sell their competitor's product, that was all right. However, I must mention in ALL ads that this item is not made by "X company." I have complied with that. But of course eBay seems to believe they are above the law, and state that you must never mention another company's name with a competing product. eBay kindly e-mailed me that I should ask my lawyer how can I comply with both. (Ask my lawyer? at whose expense? sure not eBay's)

I sure wish there was some good alternatives to eBay.
bunnylove September 27, 2010
can't ever get ahold of ebay!
I can not take ebay's ever decreasing customer service! I've been trying to comtact ebay for a week about items I've won. I've wrote the seller who had promissed me a combined shipping total and to this day has not responed or fixed the total ending price. Today I waited on the live web chat to emay since 3pm and was almost to the end of the waiting list I was number 2, then I got kicked off!!! I waited till 5:45pm! All that for nothing! I wish ebay was more like paypal. PAypal is so on top of everything they actually have a customer service number that works for help! Also they actually take care of problems unlike ebay, which is so going down hill. I'm ready to never use ebay again, which I'm a buyer and seller. There is plenty of new sites to buy things and i'm giving them my bsuness i had enought with ebay and their poor service.
Blue1997 September 25, 2010
Seller refused to sell item for purchase price
I purchased a cell phone for the "Buy It Now" price, paid and received a tracking number for my purchase. Then the seller decided the price was not high enough. Ebay removed the listing per the sellers request!?!?

Ebay stated the item was removed because it did not meet their guidelines. The seller sent me an e-mail stating the item was canceled because it was listed for the wrong price. The seller re-listed the item with the exact same info except for a much higher price.

Did a chat with Ebay and they suggested I purchase the re-listed item for the much higher price. So much for sales being a binding contract between buyer and seller. Definitely seems like a scam to me. I guess a seller can list an item, sell it for asking price, then decide he should get more money for it, and cancel the transaction. I am sure Ebay would not let me do that. So much for buyers protection.

I can not leave negative feedback for the seller or send a complaint to Ebay via customer service website since the item number is no longer valid.
Arno September 18, 2010
Totally useless
Evey year that goes by ebay is getting worse and worse, once upon a time we used to sell quite a lot on there but now try to avoid if possible. The biggest issues we have as a seller are:- 1) on DVD's you are only allowed to charge £1 postage and packaging - it doesn't matter if it is a double disk or a box set, it costs £1.90 to send a double disk by second class post without even including the envelope. Ebay do this so you have to factor the postage into the price thereby meaning they get more commission from you. 2) Ebay gives sellers absolutely no rights - we have sold things a number of times where the buyer claimed the money back from ebay (saying faulty or not received) and received the item (we even had one who actually gave us good feedback for the item them claimed it had never been received)and not sent it back. 3) ebay gives you no help as a seller when things go wrong and always blames the seller by giving the money back to the buyer. In the end if enough buyers were dodgy ebay would become another freecycle site with no payment ever needing to change hands. 3) from a buyers perspective there are so many knock off DVD's and games on there and ebay do not police this at all - watch out for the code Asian import - 9x out of 10 that means someone is selling a bootleg. I deadly wish one or more of the consumer agencies would investigate Ebay after all you wouldn't give a buyer their money back on the high street without receiving your goods back would you!
lnv September 10, 2010
stolen merchandise and money
This person who was the Buyer on ebay.
steve schiffman
United States
(815) 434-4083
bought a 1961 Roger Maris card from me and then filed a complaint with ebay stating the card was not as described. Total lie. Ebay refunded his money without any evidence and the Buyer returned a different card than what he purchased. On the back of the card is his handwriting. I have 2 witnesses there when I opened the package. Mail fraud? Ebay said, "Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this type of situation."
I will take this all the way to Eyewitness News.
lovebird September 3, 2010
ebay has No SELLER Protection whatsoever... thus all the good honest sellers are no longer on ebay and leaving a bunch of scammers... Ebay charges an arm and a leg for sellers in which they pay the employees with ... If a seller has a problem it's oh well .. all we want is your money and who cares what happens to you the seller... I had sold an item on ebay and a buyer didn't like it... well, she did not READ the Description nor look at the pics so this was truly a case of buyers remorse... I had emailed ebay about this SEVERAL times and NOT ONCE did ebay reply to any of my questions or concerns instead they just ruled in the buyers favor with no explanation at all - put a hold on my paypal account and so on... in the end the buyer did agree that she did not read description, did not ask questions nor really look at all the pictures and we worked it out because it was her fault... Not all buyers will admit they goofed so as a seller you will lose Everytime... It's just not worth the fees they charge for sellers to be totally unprotected and end the end... all the good old honest sellers finally had to leave ebay leaving a bunch of new comers who don't last long or are just run off by the lack of care from ebays customer support. BUYERS it really is YOUR Responsibility to ASK questions, LOOK at the Pictures and READ that description... If you don't well it's shame on you... being that this happens more often that not... the good sellers have just had enough and have moved on... We use to buy and sell on ebay but not anymore... bottom line, ebay just doesn't care about the sellers at all - If there are NO sellers then there will be No buyers - No ebay! No wonder buyers are not happy... ebay has run off all the good sellers because they just wont protect the sellers from bad buyers... Bummer
18235S August 24, 2010
sole item from a seller
never even consider buying the last item somebody on ebay has to sell----cause that's when they'll rip you off, cause they have nothing to lose in getting bad marks from ebay.

i bought something from one seller with a 90 some percent good rating----this seller's rating now down to 50 something, all because the seller ran out of stuff to sell and decided, seemingly, to keep the money for the last items.

i didn't learn from this mistake; i bought something from somebody on ebay about 50 miles from me...no response yet; see if i get ripped off, since this is the last item this seller has for sale, and has been on ebay for sale for awhile.

and walmart visa and mastercard gift cards don't give refunds----don't let them or ebay/verizon con you otherwise.
pbstjs August 12, 2010
Does not protect public
I purchased an alledged original piece of fine art by a famous dead artist from one of ebay's Top Seller's. I reviewed this seller's feedback as this was a large sale $5000 in Dec. 2009. The top seller had over 800 positive feedbacks and I was sent an appraisal, COA, and registration of the piece with the National Fine Art Registry.
I was told via the appraisal this piece was an origninal, but low and behold a trip to NYC prooved very informational. I actual saw the original hanging in the MET. Upon returning, I immediately wrote coinsandconsigment and they responded that what I purchased was in the style and not refund my money. I am going to contact the FBI and other legal authorities as I have read on th internet by Dr. Ledor who is an expert in the field of Fraud for this artist that ebay has had many pieces sold as real that are fakes. EBAY has been no help whatsoever. Besides trying to locate an address to write them, I finally was told that they take this seriously. Oh REALLY? If they took this seriously they wouldn"t allow a top seller get away with ripping off the public. I now have asked for the phone number and address of this seller and ebay has not responded so I will be taking stronger action to obtain the true identity of this scam artist. The feedback by coinsandconsignment are private now, what does that mean? Without the assistance of ebay I may not be able to locate this person as it seems thier physical location has moved.
I am really angry that ebay does not monitor Top Sellers who sell to the public. If we cannot trust them, then how are we to trust a small independent seller. I have been doing business on ebay since the early 90's and have never had the problems that I have had as much as recently. I had another instance of purchase and never received the item and followed ebay's policy of contacting the seller who NEVER returned my email. I gave it a month and followed ebay's protocal. Now, when I ask ebay for assistance, they say it is past the time frame and they haven't offered to contact the seller or assist me in any form except to give me some email addresses to file the complaint. Great, this will get chocked up to another live and learn lesson that ebay is NOT PROTECTING THE PUBLIC from unscrupulous sellers. CAVEAT EMPTOR using ebay. At your own risk, they will not help you.

Here is my correspondance to ebay.
Thank you for contacting eBay in regard to item # 180521833847 . I
understand how frustrating this situation may have been for you.

After reviewing the issue, I see you paid for this item more than 45
days ago. Unfortunately, to be eligible for our Buyer Protection you
need to have completed a purchase of an eligible item on eBay and have
submitted a claim within 45 days from the date of payment. Based upon
the timeframe, we are not able to open a claim for you for this
particular transaction. I hope you can understand that our current
policies do not allow us to hold sellers accountable outside of this

I do understand how frustrating this situation has probably been for you
so I would like to provide you with a few things you can do to resolve
this outside of eBay.

First, I suggest you contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
The IC3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
National White Collar Crime Center. They will review complaints and
refer you to the appropriate local, state, or federal agency. This is
recommended for items over $100.00. To file a claim from the IC3


If your item is more than $200 contact law enforcement. To find a law
enforcement officer, go to www.usacops.com. If a detective is assigned
to the case, they can also contact us directly and we'll help with the
investigation. The detective will need to go to the following page:


Lastly, if you used a credit card to fund your transaction, I recommend
you contact their customer service department and ask them about
protections they may have (most credit cards offer buyer protection).

Thomas, I realize this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but I
hope I've been able to explain things clearly and I thank you in advance
for your understanding.

Myra B.

eBay Buyer Protection

Original Message Follows:
Original Message Follows:

Form Message: %43312% 122900
Subject: GS=CU0795 Beyond time limit to open a case [180521833847 #US
$US 100881T 100771B !13222! 032309 ?01 -07 ]
User Feedback: 362
User State: ?01

Browser info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Trident/4.0; GTB6.3; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center
PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729;

Help+Contact+Us+Next+Gen > Beyond time limit to open a case

Item number(s):
180521833847 $US US !13222! 032309

Message: I know it is past 30 days, but the SELLER has never responded
to my emails I have sent and I wanted to give them time to respond
before I wrote ebay. To my knowledge, I have never received this item.
I have looked through all my items thinking mpurchased items thinking maybe
someone else in my home may have accepted from USPS and did not tell
me, but I have been unable to locate and would like seller to refund my
Pay Pal account. Thank youis my correspondance and ebay's response:
Keith August 8, 2010
Lack of customer support
Had a bidder on an auction make a "mistake" and enter a bid greater than $1000 for an item that was in the $250 range close to end. She tried to email me but it was 6 min before the end and I was traveling so missed it. We reached an agreement where she agreed to match the last valid bid of $250. I contacted ebay via chat (after waiting in queue over 1 hr) and was told they would adjust the fees once invoiced. Next day the invoice came out. Next chat session (again over 1 hr wait) was told it hadn't been invoiced. The chat tech lied outright. Long story short over 6 hrs on chat and phone and was disconnected on by a chat tech and hung up on the phone. ebay refused to escalate to a supervisor after many requests to several employees. I will challange the fees when they are pulled from my bank as a bogus charge. Once the couple of seller auctions are finished that I've started I'm done with ebay and paypal.

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