The whole point of the site is to pay a % cash back for clicking through their website to make purchases. I went through the website to make a pretty substantial purchase, waited for a couple days for my purchase to show up on the site. It never did. I proceeded to use the options on the website to report this purchase which never showed up on my account. It's been over 4 months and I've filed several support tickets through the website trying to receive the cash back for this purchase. I've not received any response from the company whatsoever. I even tried to call the company number, but there is never any response nor any answering machine to leave a message. Emails have not been returned either.
Bottom line: Steer clear of this site if you are trying to receive cash back for your purchases. There are plenty of other legitimate sites that do the same thing, I just wish i would've known this before I risked a big purchase. I'm missing out on ~$40 because they didn't honor their end of the deal. Don't waste your time with this one...