Well here is a platform to voice an opinion-complaint agiants the sick and perverse business acts of Ed Magedson and his sick minded attorney Maria Crimini Speth. Her partner Jaburg & Wilk of Arizona obviously support her evil practice of defending Ed magedson who thrives off a his business of destroying people on his website "Rip Off Report".
They seem to rejoice in the fact that the law makers have yet to pass laws againts "Cyber Terrorists" But, this does not preclude them from being considered by thousands of people that have come against them as unbalanced and lacking good morals.
If you want to employ a law firm that will bend all of the laws and go to any extreme to make a buck the Jaburg & Wilks firm may be a good choice.
If destroying a person that you know or even someone that you don't know is needed, call on Ed Magedsons and his "Rip Off Report" .
Some rules are posted on his site but, none apply. You can name your party and classify them as perverts, crooks, inhumane idiots or just about anything that you choose. They will appear in the public eye just as you name them and they don't have a chance in this life time to have your posting removed even if it is FRAUD and TOTALLY FALSE!
Remember while Congress is ripping off America, they don't have time to pass a simple law to protect citizens form these types of scums. Plus they really don't give a damn about you or anyone besides themselves according to all the news press.
We can only hope that cancer, heart failure and other such natural causes of bad health may find its way to these ugly people in America's communities.
If you have something to add feel free to post it below. The more the better, if not the truth remains as it has been posted.
Jounalist P.T.O.