After spending nearly $500.00 for my sons glasses and office visit I later found out that as a Cardinal Glass employee I was entitled to a 20% discount. I found this out after asking other employees at work where they get there glasses (I was looking for a little cheaper place because my wife and 2 sons require glasses. They said that Ed Mills Office on Williamson Rd offered employees a discount. I told them thats where I had been taking my wife and children. So I called to see if this was true, I was told that we Cardinal Employees do get a 20% discount. I ask why this was not ask anywhere on the paper work I filled out at the office visit?
The lady responded that it ask if you have insureance, Well we don't have any vision insurance so I left that blank. She stated that I would have to notify them when anyone in my family was being seen at that office that I was a Cardinal Glass employee. I ask if I could get a refund for my past visits and was told It only applies if you make the statement before you see the Dr.
I don't see how I was supposed to know they honored any discount if it was'nt posted some were. I feel that I am due a refund of 20% for every visit my family has made to Dr. Ed Mills
Sincerely, Paul & Susan
Center details:
492 Williamson Rd, Mooresville, NC 28117