I see that there are numerous people who have been ripped off by this company. Not sure how they got your info, you either... a) applied online for a payday loan or b) applied for what you thought was a credit card. They got me too. I have been fighting with them for a week. You can trying reaching them thru the website edpreporting.com. I sent 15 emails in one day and they finally responded. They won't issue a refund unless you file a police report. Once you do that they will submit proof that you did indeed apply for something. (they capture your IP address) I filed a fraud report with my bank. I'm hoping my bank will give me back my money. I then had the bank freeze my account from allowing debits. It will however allow credits just in case I get my money back. I then demanded that EDP send me the card that I paid for. If you demand they cancel the order, they will, and your out all your money. By demanding the card, you at least only lose $59.95, unless you actually called them, which they charge you for. It will take 15-20 days for you to get the card. I'm praying that I get a refund from my bank and then the card too. Small victory but a victory none the less. They will continue to debit your account. I strongly suggest freezing or closing the account they stole from. Hope this helps somebody. Tried contacting them to no avail? Here are two email addresses
[email protected] or
[email protected]. If nothing else you can blow up their email. Good luck to all. :-)