I want to know why Phone call are recorded, how can you debit my account with out my consent I wanna know I did not take 30 days for you to take it out how it the mounts were debit from my account instantly. I want this money back in my account soon as possible my account has been negative becasue of this wrong situation I would like fot the Ceo to call me back about this matter9001/230/7255 I will fax the cancellation forms and a print to you to 99.99 debit and the fee for 49.95 I dobt want anyone else debiting my account I wll do a police report but right now I wany my money back no one never tol you to debit my account thanks
each call is recorded, how can you debit my account with out my consent I wanna know I tdid not take 30 days for you to ake it ou how it the mounts ere debit from my account instantly. I want this money back in my account soon as possible my account habeen negative becasue of this wrong situation