FACTS: I can only have insults for EKM, so I´d better keep my tongue tied and report the facts.
I decided that EKM was too expensive, so I migrated my shop to Merchantmoms (brilliant, great service and friendly staff). I still had a year before I needed to renew my domain, WWW.OCCASIONOLOGY.CO.UK, so I said we´ll go through that when the renewal date was due. They did not contact me, Nominet was asking for a silly high fee, so I ASKED EKM TO RENEW WHEN STILL ON TIME, BUT THEY DIDN´T, they simply freed my domain. As an expired one, I lost total control of it. My domain was lost, all the products, photos, descriptions, prices and long hours I had put into it. Never a sorry, EKM even kept the keys that they were being sent and made even more difficult for me to get my shop and name back.
TERRIBLE SERVICE, completely useless, they simply got rid of my shop as I was not paying them the monthly fee and had not trouble in destroying my shop, and even put obstacles by keeping the keys. I only got my name and shop back after the "limbo" period expired and nobody bought it before I did. Now I only have to put everything back!!!
I would like to contact a lawyer and see if I can sue them, as I had put hundreds of hours developing my shop, and the worst thing is that I did not even got a sorry from them. If any has a contact for this please le me know using the contact from my shop.
Stay clear of EKM, they will not have any trouble in destroying all your hard work and will not even apologise. Do not waste your money on them, there are much cheaper and very good ecommerce hosting services.
Eva Hudson