I purchased a Electrolux washer and dryer March 12, 2009. The sales associate from Valley Appliance in Alabama filled out the rebate paper work and faxed this to Electrolux Rebate Center, 866-964-1214.
Three months later, June 10, 2009 I receive a post card from Electrolux Rebate Center saying the rebate is invalid, the model numbers are invalid. I phone the sales associate from Valley Appliance he contacts Electrolux Rebate Center via fax, June 11, 2009 and via phone. Peter, ID# 2554, at Electrolux handled the call.
Turns out Electrolux entered the information incorrectly; they didn't enter in the correct model number to match my serial number. Seems odd as this is a check box on THEIR form. Electrolux jerked me around for 3 months before they notify me of this. I also follow up with a call myself to Electorolux. Finally, June 11, 2009 ‘supervisor' Leo, ID, ES0236, says my rebate
is valid and that I should have my rebate July 29, 2009, 4.5 months after submission.
It is now August 4, 2009 I still do not have my rebate. Contacted Electrolux Rebate Center ‘supervisor' Leo, ES0236 says my rebate is valid and should be mailed by Sept. 9, 2009. I ask why I must wait 6 months to get my rebate. Leo plays dumb, tells me they have no record of receiving rebate paper work in March 2009 nor does he recall speaking with me June 11, 2009 and giving me a commitment July 29, 2009. Leo plays stupid very well. Unfortunately for Leo I documented each and every fax and phone call with names and ID numbers. Even when confronted with FACTS he still denied and lied.
Can you believe these people?? The do this because they want you to give up or forget. That's money in their pocket they owe you but don't have to pay out. These rebate houses make more money by not paying you. According to the internet some of these rebate houses advertise that they'll save a company 20% or more in rebate costs by NOT PAYING OUT of which they get a percentage.
I urge everyone who has problems with Electrolux and Electrolux Rebate Center to file as many complaints as you can. Contact Better Business Bureau, tell your friends, and write about it on the web.
Also, please see the following; /URL removed/
New Holstein, Wisconsin