Let us therefore prove that Elena's Models is Racist
1. The One-Centered Ethnic Picture-Whose ethnic "picture" dominates this dating site in abundance? Answer-The one ethnic "picture" of the one race seen in its majority (not that I am against them) but I am against putting up one race in abundance above and beyond all other races as if that particular ethncity is somehow more special than the other ethncities that use the site!
2. The Lack of Other Ethnic Content such as articles or other ethnic Images-If Elena's Models most certainly will have other ethnic groups on it because it is exposed to the world and these who use the site are of another ethnic group other than the dominant and they do indeed of course find someone then tell me where are the articles dealing with these other ethnic connections on the dating site? There won't be Why? because Elena's Models in their picture imagery on the site only caters to just one race in abundance and overwhelming fashion leaving other races on the site to be treated as second class citizens when it comes to their representation on the site being seen as well! Oh they throw in one or two other ethnic groups into the mix to throw off these suspicions of racism but the truth is that this racism from the site is clearly seen!
3. The missing issue concerning a world-wide scope of operation-Elena Petrova/Solomon/Gold and her dating site knows perfectly well that they are on a world wide floor because they are on the world wide web. It seems that they miss the issue altogether concerning the fact that the world is made up of other races and not just the one race that the site features in repeated fashion. However the major focus the site points itself towards limits their scope of operation not to the entire world as they would like to claim but to certain parts of the world. Why? because that is where the one racial group that this dating site has been predominantly been made for belongs or lives. Therefore Elena's Models can claim to a have this "worldwide" scope of operation but really is only concentrating its efforts on certain areas of the world where a particular ethnic group in its majority is to be found! This fact shows that the site has racism because it focuses on without any doubt on one particular race by focusing on those nations where that one race dominates missing the point as well that if it is going to deal with the world using the world wide web then the world with its other ethnic groups should also be concentrated upon as well!. This lack of concentration on other ethnic groups and its major concentration on a single one clearly shows that the site is racist because racism involves showing preferential treatment to one race which the site in its images clearly does over and over again and not having equal treatment of the others on the site ! The dating site might have no problems profiting from other ethnic groups but to actually put them up in abundance on the site there certainly seems to be a problem!
The site clearly is racist. Why? because the site is one- sided towards one ethnic group/race. Being so singly focused upon one race in an exclusive repeated pattern clearly then demonstrates the racist behavior and attitude of the site!
Below Elena Petrova/Solomon/Gold and her site with its racism!