I was told by Eliot Management Group/Salt Lake City sales rep that their shortest contract for the credit card reader I needed was a 4 year non-cancelable lease that would cost me $100/month. This was just for the machine. I told her that I may only need the machine for a few months or maybe even the Summer, so I couldn't sign a 48 month non-cancelable lease. She assured me a few times that most small businesses don't go the full 4 years, and that if I needed to be realesed from the contract, she could easily transfer my lease to another incoming business wanting the same machine. She said that the machine I wanted was the most popular machine, and with all the many sales reps they have, the lease could be transferred within a few days. I took her on her word, and I signed the lease.<br />
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Since then, I have called her and left messages over a 4 month period. Over a 12 month period, I have called 4 different managers, other sales reps, back up sales reps, written letters and many emails, but no one ever returned a call or message or letter. The machine has never been used except during the initial demo, but I have been making my monthly payments for over 2 years and 4 months. I now want to use the machine for a new start up business, but the machine will not work due to it not being able to recieve a radio signal. Leasing from Eliot Management Group/SLC, I called them, and was hung up on by the receptionist. They then had one of their sales reps call me so he could hang up on me. After I will have made my last lease payment, I will have paid $5006.00 for a machine that retails for $550. Through EMG/SLC I have an option to buy the machine after the lease is paid for $408.00. Can you see what is happening here? After signing the lease, everyone at EMG/SLC disappered and refused to contact me for any reason. I couldn't get out of their lease even through the court system, the machine hasn't been used and doesn't work anyway, and when I call for their advice or help, they proudly hang up on me.<br /><br />
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I have had 3 different businesses over the past 40 years, and I have never experienced a company as deceptive and ruthless as The Eliot Management Group of Salt Lake City. I would assume for a larger business Eliot would treat them more professional, but for a small business, I think they are only interested in scamming you out of your money. I should have read the complaints about EMG on the Internet before I called them, but I was too hasty. If you or your business needs a credit card service, I would advise you to steer clear of the Eliot Management Group/SLC. The sales reps I dealt with were very knowledgable but high pressure. They are also shrewd, cunning and dishonest, and they know what to say and how to say it in trapping you. In my opinion, the are the worst of the worst, and they have to reach up just to touch the bottom. My experience with them has been very distasteful to almost nausea, and I will never forget this experience or the names and faces that were involved. Please help me in sharing my experience with other small businesses. Rob Welch