At first, when interviewing to live with Elke, she is charming and very accomodating. She promises that you will not need to bring much as she already has everything one would need. She exclaims that she would love to introduce you to her friends and you can all be friends together. She promises that she is easy to get along with and living with her will be drama free. All of this is a lie. Ms. De Groof is extremely passive aggressive, and within weeks will become so annoyed with you because of her false sense of entitlement that she will completely ignore you, refuses to make eye contact with you or anyone you bring over, and will exclusively communicate with you over a small, dry-erase board next to the refridgerator. She has two cats that will make the entire house permeate of cat pee, they aslo nearly killed our other roommate's hamster, and all Elke had to say was a snarky comment about how "maybe it's a sign that she shouldn't have pets right now." This girl is a diva, she shops for groceries EVERY SINGLE DAY, and if you're in the kitchen making dinner when she gets home and expects to make her gourmet fried meals, she will throw a tantrum and leave - completely disregarding the fact that you pay rent here and have to put up with her and are completely entitled to make dinner whenever you please. Worst of all, once you make her bad side, which truly will take three days or less, whenever you are not in the room and she has people over, she will gossip and talk about you. I expreienced this for myself a few times while I was in my bedroom and also experienced her do this to our other roommate, who is 20 and means absolutely no harm. The best part about Elke is when I got a thirty-day-notice to move out yesterday, she made absolutely sure to exploit my muscles to move out her old, tattered, pee-drenched couch and move in a new one. Her mom seemed nice, but I definitely see where Ms. De Groof gets that false sense of entitlement. Not five minutes after moving her couch, by myself nonetheless, she hands me a paper and says "here's a notice for you." Sweet, thanks. But I was plannning on moving before then anyway.
I would absolutely not recommend living with Elke, I prefer a positive living environment where I can spread my wings. And not have to worry about how bad the cat litter smells, which, ironically, is located right next to the kitchen - Yummy!