I lost My job to Spanish speaking non-American 2 days after I trained them and the reason they gave me was I had poor job performance so I wrote them this letter below and went back and got reference/names and there phone number of all the people I work with and they even said it was wrong of them and would say so if asked.
I Would like to speak with someone about an issue I am having with my former place of employment.
I was fired on Jan 23, 2007. I was told that it was because poor job performance but I am sure that I was discriminated against by my supervisor. I was working at Embassy Suites Downtown Tampa. I am African American and my supervisor was Dominican. She constantly put me down and talked to me like an idiot. She said I had a problem because I did not speak Spanish and that if I wanted to succeed in my job I should learn. I personally trained six other fellow employees and one supervisor flawlessly. It was not a part of my job to do so, I did it because she said I had to and she was of no assistance to me. I was never wrote up or reprimanded for any type of behavior. I am also disabled based on an impaired mental capacity. Even with the disability I preformed my job flawlessly. This can be proven by statements made from other supervisors, managers, customers and employees. I am not the only employee that this has happened to and all the other employees as well as myself has been replaced with a hispanic workers and many time this persons English language skills and job performance was very poor even after a period of time on the job. I enjoyed my job. I would like my job back or to seek restitution if I cannot have my job back. I have a family to support and my disability check does not cover all expenses. I feel deeply hurt and upset that this has happened to me.
There are a few other points I would like to make but I can wait until I speak to someone. If someone can be of assistance or lead me in the right direction I would be thankful.