whome all reads this one thing that i can say this place really knows how to screw you up i statred to have some probblems with this company i fell behind on some payments was put on repayment plan which was way higher then it should have been there is 47 differnt plans that a company should offer you if you get in trouble i have done alote of research on this and as we all pay our mortgage to Emc all we are is deter with a loan number things they do are very un fair. i have spoken with (deneen) she is a shiftmanager in the loss department she doe not know what it takes to be leader she should not be there if you talk to watch out, she very good at degrading a person she likes to yell . this postion should not be for her i know you have a stren backround but i think she either sleeping with the manager form that department not really shur on the guys name but he made it very clear he is the manager of the loss department and that none is over him i tryed to file compliant and that got no were they are not here to help you ! IAM NOT TRYING TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO but please be very carefull if you speak to either one about you probblem iam paying my loan up todate this monday but i want everyone here to know that thease people are not trying to help you .. i just wish that i recored the phone call of them both yelling at me demanding a payment it was like a nightmare that none should ever have to go through all i can say is i hope ( Ms Dennen the supervisor of the loss department . i hope some day you have very hard time and there is no one to help and i hope they are as nasty to you as you were to me and for the manager of that department you need to grow F--k up! cause you are a waste.. well thats all i have to say for now . but please be aware of thease people cause they are trouble.