Beware! This credit card company does not have anyone competent to make decisions. You will speak to someone in a far off land who cannot fully understand the English language and does not care about you or your account. You cannot ever reach a manager or someone with authority to over ride their terrible policies.
I had been a card holder for over 15 years. I made one payment less than 30 days late. It was for over $500. They took the payment, THEN told me that they were suspending my account to no longer be available for use. It is a recession and I am having to pick and choose who gets paid and who does not. I chose to pay them to keep my account current. They tricked me. Now the $500 I thought I'd have to use to pay bills or buy food went to nothing but lowering my inactive account.
I strongly suggest you cancel this card and move to a real company like American Express or Chase who will listen to you, who will use their brain to make decisions (a 15 year account should have some merit) and who will not suddenly screw you over!!!