Erin Marie
January 20, 2010
Justin Perry is a liar and stole money from me. I was with empire management for almost 2 years..he sent me to korea in January of 2009 to this shit hole apartment-i came home after 2 days and had to pay back the korean agency for there plane ticket. I told justin to take the money from my job that i did for Vaseline- the client pays the agency first and then your agent is supposed to pay you..so he owed me around $1600 and i told him to take the money that he was supposed to give to me and just give it to the agency in Korea..he told me he sent it to them through western union and that was that..now i am back in Korea with another agency and i found out through them that they never got payed..when i called justin and told him this he tells me "oh they are lying i will try to find the receipt and send it to you". 2 days later he calls the agency that was owed the money and tells them that i never payed..OBVIOUSLY I NEVER PAYED BECAUSE HE HAD MY MONEY FROM THE JOB I DID!! he was the one that was supposed to take the money from that job and send it to the agency..but instead he keeps the money for himself and ignores all of their emails and calls..until just recently when he decided to get in touch with them and tell them I was lying..he is the most unprofessional, lying sleezeball i have ever known. He is only 24 years old and runs the company basically by himself..he gets you shit jobs--and also tries to make you take naked pictures for himself and says it will just be for "his eyes only"..because he has an underage girlfriend who i think is the only one working with him in that agency.. STAY FAR AWAY FROM EMPIRE MODEL MANAGEMENT...NEVER EVER meet with him-he is a waste of time and is a LIAR and a STEALER