I heve a
balance of $1995.00 so I write a check of $5oo.00 Then I went a Bank my balance was become Over draft and Find out gemony bank withdrow $5000
How this credit company could withdraw $5000.00 even I don't owe that kind of mony and I don't have a balance of that I am having a trable then superviser name dawn and robin spoke to me takes 30days to retaun to credit I try to tell them is ther any way you could sent me a check as soon as posible . customer service people told me takes business hour of 7 days but how super viser tell me withen 30day's and I also ask who ever did automaticaly can they couldn't check with me before withdrow. I would like to fined who did it . also these super viser does't help me at all and they try to hung up my phone some thing is not right . they are not respect client at all.I would like to talk some one can help me my setuation now. amy