-----Original Message-----
From: Valetov, Eremey V.
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 3:38 PM
To: '
[email protected]'
Subject: Factual unavailabilty of EMS services to Russia
Dear Sirs,
I am writing you to inform of the serious problem with Russian
postal system.
Starting from September 2007 all Russians face the increasing delays
with Express and Priority mail shipments (parcels), coming from abroad. After crossing the
border, all parcels have to wait for 10 - 14 days
before being inspected by the customs. As I am writing these words,
the customs inspects parcels that arrived on 17th of December 2007.
By law, the customs office is given 3
days to process the parcel, however, they bypass this
regulation by simply leaving the parcels out in the sorting office,
until they are ready to inspect them.
When contacted they explain that Russian customs is understaffed
however do nothing to rectify the problem.
as a result, the Express/Priority mail service to Russia is now de-facto
non-existant, and the delays grow. In total, now it takes over 1 month
to receive EMS/priority mail shipment.
Russian authorities act as if nothing is happening, as if the problem would not exist.
I am aware of the fact that UPU is not a governing body for any of its
member states, however,
if UPU would simply acknowledge the unavailability of
Priority and Express mail services to Russia, it would:
1) bring public attention to this matter, let this fact become known,
2) which, in turn may (or may not) push Russian authorities to take
necessary corrective measures.
If you are able and willing to take some action in regards to this case I am ready to provide any evidence you may require.