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Category: Other
Contact Information Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Enbridge Reviews
July 14, 2011
Lousy Service
Almost a year ago, I had just moved in to my new home for a few months. I was waiting and waiting to hear from whomever it was that was to provide me with heating. Finally, after about 3 months following my move in date, I receive an invoice from them charging $250 fee for account setup, plust another $130 for my heating charges. I called into customer service who tells me that if I want to avoid the $250 up front charge, I would need to complete a form to sign up for the Budget Billing plan and send in a void cheque to have my payments debited automatically from my bank account. So I proceeded to send in these forms and a void cheque with a written explanation of what I was looking for. I sent this all in by courier and verified that the documents were indeed received at their offices and signed by someone their. 2 weeks went by and I still did not receive confirmation that everything had been setup, when I called in to customer service, they were always saying that it should be setup soon. Finally after another week went by, I called again and asked the customer service rep to check on it and he said, they cannot call the other department to check on it and I asked why not and they said it is not their responsibility, I called back later and asked another person to check, she said she would e-mail them to check and call me back, never heard from her. I called again later and asked another person to check and he just told me that it would be done soon, I asked him to check and he said no, it is not his responsibility and when I asked him if he were in the same position, would he not want to know? He arrogantly said "No, I would not". When I asked to speak to a manager or supervisor, they said they are not available. Finally, I got so upset, I left an angry message for the Ombudsman's office and a few days later I got a call from the ombudsman's office and that my request has been processed. I informed them of the horrible service I received.
This was still not the end of it, many months later, I received an invoice and there was a message stating that I had been overbilled by an amount of $383. However, they continued debiting my bank account for more than I was actually using. I called to ask them to just deduct my current balance from my current credit amount and the rep kept telling me that although they did make errors in calculations which lead to them overbilling me for several months and leading to me having a credit balance, they cannot just take it from my credit balance. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told again that I would have to leave a voice message asking to speak to a supervisor and the subject. The next day, I spoke to a supervisor and after a long discussion, they finally decided to just deduct my monthly balance from my current credit balance instead of debiting my bank account. It was just such a struggle to get what I rightfully deserve from them. I am continually monitoring the situation to look for any issues.
June 2, 2011
waiting 7 hours!
Enbridge has just updates and installed a new gas meter for my house. They left a notice on my door stating that I have to call them to book an appointment to restart the service and reignite my pilot light. After work, at 4:30, I called them to schedule my 4 hour window. It is now almost 10, and they still haven't arrived. So, I called them to find out what was going on. Apparently, there was an emergency. No one called to inform the customers sitting at home that there was a delay. No gas equals no cooking, and no hot water! I filed a complaint to no avail! So, I sit here and wait until someone comes. Hopefully, it'll be before midnight as suggested by their front of the line customer service reps.
Their customer service offers absolutely no compensation for wasting their customers' time. Since it's night time, there are NO managers available either. So, it's ok to waste my time, but not ok for us to use their time! ENBRIGE does NOT deserve a monopoly on gas! SHAME on them!
January 27, 2011
Heating repairs
Called Enbridge after finding out the my furnace had stop running (broke down). Where I live, Monday was -35 and my house got down to 4 degrees, after talking with the service department they only can get me an appointment on Friday. That is 3 1/2 days in a house that is freezing, the pipes are even starting to freeze up. I called again to get an earlier appointment but they still say Friday but they put a call out to who ever to see if I can get someone earlier, still waiting for a phone call and my house is still 4 degrees and dropping...how can they leave a customer in a house that is only 4 degrees and to top it all off we are on their special Protection Plan they have and I still have to wait that long so why should we pay for the plan if we cant get any Emergency service. They say customers on this plan get priority service, I think that it is totally ridiculous that living in Ottawa with no HEAT for 3 1/2 days is UNACCEPTABLE.
January 23, 2011
Enbridge = brainless monopoly + heartless robber
How does a company with an F rating from BBB come to monopolize the gas supply market and I would we be able to get out of this tyranny?
We bought a house with an abandoned swimming pool last year. In late July last year, we decided to tear it down and fill it with dirt. The contractor brought a bulldozer in. Because our backyard is lower than front yard and the pathway's width is just enough for him to drive through, he realize that this job is more trouble than he originally thought. This idiot decided after each time he dump the dirt to our back yard, he would scrape the ground with the tip of his bulldozer on his way back to make gradually the slope flatter.
He hit the gas pipe. I call Enbridge. The technician came. The first thing they did is yelling at me for not calling them ahead before I dig. (To paraphrase: "Oh, you are so dead! you didn't call us ahead and we are going to slap you with a big bill!") I am pissed. I only wanted the pool filled, how was I to know the contractor will be digging? How was I to know the idiot would do what he did. He actually went in the ground for about 18 inches and hit the gas pipe.
After they fix the pipe and left, a couple of their subcontracted inspector came and looked. None of them are as rude as the Enbridge technicians. A couple days later, TSSA responded and start investigating this case, even they are friendly and realize this incident is not my fault and didn't give me any trouble. He went ahead and fined our contractor.
We held up the last $500 payment of this job to the contractor because the Enbridge's worker's warning/threat. Months went by, we called Enbridge several times and asked if there will be any additional fine. They never told us there would be any. Even though the contractor broke a few things in our front yard and did a terrible job fixing them, we thought we would still just be the bigger person give him the $500 we have been holding up without putting up any resistance.
FULL 6 MONTHS after the incident, guess what? Enbridge sent me a mail, it says how I am at fault and fined us $665.11 for what happened. It is due NEXT WEEK (Jan 29). The statement is dated Jan, 14 but the postage stamp is Jan 19. (They even kept the letter for 4 days before sending out!!!) I receive the mail on the 21th, which is a Friday night. It only leaves me 5 WORKDAYS to come up with this money. You have to realize this is even more than what we pay in gas for a whole year. There was even a fine print of a bill saying they will send us more bill if other charges comes to their attention.
We called the contractor and see if insurance will cover it. He said he will come over and talk about it. GUESS WHAT? He is not showing up. After all he has got all his money.
Yes, the contractor is an idiot plus bastard. However, what really stunned me is Enbridge - a dirty bureaucratic monopoly. Every person who works at Enbridge seems to have caught the same bug. The are all extremely heartless and arrogant. They seem to sincerely feel it is the right for their organization to blame anyone they like and rob them as they wish. Afterall, they answers to absolutely no one.
August 13, 2009
Ruined my driveway
Enbridge needed to replace a gas line under my driveway. I expressed concern about this and called the contractor to come out and discuss what needed to be done. He assured me that after they dug it up, it would be "good as new".
My driveway was dug up, app. 6'x5' section of it. Now, my driveway was paved to begin with but not new. It was faded to a light grey, looked nice if a little rough. They put down a nice new black patch right in the middle of it and you could see around the edges where the old driveway was cut out. "Good as new"?? Not at all. So I called them back and had someone else out who basically offered to coat the whole thing with some black stuff that he agreed would fade fairly quickly or get us $500 with which to do it ourselves and we could "pocket the rest'.
So basically my driveway is ruined and looks like crap and they want to give me $500 to shut up about it even though it will cost much more than that to redo the whole thing - which is what needs to be done. Can they do that??
February 16, 2009
Negligent and Irresponsible
Adding onto simliar sentiments, I feel that enbridge is an apathetic despot. My personal experience is as follows. Being an average family living in the suburbs we have many bills to manage. Owning a seperate property (other than the one we reside) there are many bills to oversee. Our property had been vacant for several months, According to enbridge, the bills had not been paid for since the months of August-September. For this reason they decided to shut down the heat for the house. The result of this action has been extremely financially crushing. It had taken until early February to realize the effect of enbridges thoughtless actions. The freezing seasonal temperatures had caused virtually all the water pipes in the house to burst thereby ruining all drywall, ceilings, kitchen, bathrooms, basically gutting out the entire home's interior. This has cost an estimated $50, 000 minimum in repair damage (more than some people's yearly salaries)
Firstly, I'd like to state that yes there is partial liability on the client’s part for not managing their bills, however, a huge monopolistic energy company like enbridge should be EXTREMELY responsible for contacting clients to follow up with these bills. It doesn't take anyone of high caliber to understand that a company like enbridge has ample amounts of resources and at least some sort of customer communications system. Gathering from their policies there is no doubt that enbridge collects individual clientele information at a constant rate. With this said, upon contacting enbridge, their response for not reaching us for unpaid bills was that they "tried to contact us". As proof from the above experience, their attempts were obviously unsuccessful which I find absolutely ridiculous. Such “professional” company should have absolutely no excuse in finding ways to reach paying customers. From a business standpoint it would be absurd to not have a means of collecting money for services delivered, especially a company that heavily deals with HUMAN clientele should have NO EXCUSE and NO REASON for not being able to reach a customer. The only type of people I can think of that falls into an “unreachable” category would be those who are convicts, con artists, or basically anyone TRYING TO EVADE payments. Last time I checked, this DOES NOT include normal people who live in one spot, have daily jobs, and are willing to comply to late payments or otherwise. This may be a reflection of how poor the policies or customer service system is in enbridge (which may bring even LARGER ISSUES concerning a MAIN community energy provider). Situations involving people can not be treated as black or white where NECESSARY services are withheld. Especially with long time clientele and unproblematic clientele with decent histories, this mere fact should speak volumes about the reliability of the customer to the patron.
I would also like to add another important issue in specific to my experience. A LARGE company such as enbridge dealing with specific services such as heat CAN NOT admit to ignorance of the DIRE consequences of WITHHOLDING such a utility to a home. Correct me if I am wrong, but it is not new knowledge to know that there would be extremely high risk of many things such as water pipes in a house to burst/become damaged due to freezing temperatures. Any sensible person can realize that these damages ARE SERIOUS and COSTLY. When selling services advantages and disadvantages are always brought up to either entice a customer or scare a customer into purchasing. Tell me HOW a “specialized” and “professional” company can be so negligent in ignoring the IMPORTANCE of heat to a home?! OR if they know full well the consequences, then how can such a people oriented industry not make sure/ put on the highest priority to reach the customer?!
For those wondering, yes there is contemplation in pursuing the issue further, but currently it is tough to individually manage daily business and pursue this matter at the same time. From my experience I’m not sure how many others have gone through the same thing. Looking for possible suggestions or others put in the similar position so that maybe we can do something so that we and those in the future will not be victimized from the unprofessional and irresponsible monopolistic enbridge (or other like companies).
April 22, 2008
Door-to-door scam!
I am absolutely furious! About a month ago, a man came to my door saying that he was from Enbridge. He said that the wrong bill was sent and the paying price should have been lower. I did not know because I am only 15 years old, I signed a contract and gave him my parent's latest Enbridge bill. He said the right bill will be sent and the one I gave him would be also mailed back. That same month a bill came home for about $400. My father did not know and sent the check. Then after my parents realized what had happened when they sent another bill for $800! The price was outrageous! My parents paid and called them to cancel everything because of the mishap about two weeks ago. But just this week they sent another bill along with a fine (totaled over $1000) because they claimed my parents did not paid yet! I have no idea if they still have my family's account on their list.
I am outrage at this matter for wrongly scamming people, especially having a minor to sign like me because I did not know any better! I demand that the government should take action on this and put an end to all these wrongful scams!
May 9, 2007
Rude & abusive Enbridge Canada customer service
I was unfairly charged a labor fee of $75 because Enbridge argues that never got a note from my contractor showing repairs concerning a previous tag (boiler malfunction), which was repaired after on-time. Even the same day when my contractor replaced the old boiler unit they discovered a leak from the gas meter and notified Enbridge immediately. I had already notified Enbridge months ago for the same problem but they never called me back or solve this gas leak which they consider an emergency.
Enbridge insisted that never got the documentation from my contractor and had to send an inspector to my place to check that the repairs were done. Surprisingly, no inspector ever knocked our door and got into our basement to check the work. Enbridge may have dispatched an inspector to check the gas-leak from the meter outside the house (which they say they did in the coming days), but the costs of that visit should be at their expense since the leak was in the meter itself. No inspector came to check the work inside my house that originated the original tag instead.
Since the wrong $75 charge, I had called Enbridge several times to request the charge be waived since I have confirmation that my contractor contacted Enbridge to clear the tag given the problems had been corrected. I even called personally Enbridge the day after my contractor did the work to ensure they had received the notification from my contractor and to offer myself to send the proper documentation by fax in addition to my contractor. Enbridge said it was not necessary that I send the same information since they had been in touch with my contractor and would receive the documentation via fax at any moment.
I have spoken with over 5 agents and 3 supervisors from customer service to get my situation corrected and rectified. The first 2 supervisors promised me that they would contact Enbridge operations who issued the charge to determine whether the charge was appropriate or not. After several weeks I was never contacted by these “supervisors / managers” to receive the findings of their investigation. I’ve had to waste my personal time to follow up on this issue and try to reach those supervisors with no success so far.
My experience today is what finally motivated me to write this note since today May 9 at 12:30 pm; I was object of the worst treatment and service by a customer service supervisor from Enbridge, named Steve, who hanged-up the phone on me. I called today to talk to a "supervisor" again to inquire the status of my unsolved complaints from the last 3 months. This employee interrupted me and never let me convey my position clearly. He disputed every sentence I was able to “transmit” and accused myself of interrupting him instead. But worse than his mannerisms was what he said to me: a) Enbridge doesn’t accept any fax confirmation page as valid proof for any purpose; b) the consumer will be never be right given associations such as consumer/business Bureau/Ombudsman from Canada cannot successfully dispute their rulings or decisions; that they are above any organization based on government recognition; c) Enbridge was the sole monopoly supplier in my neighborhood and; d) no matter what I say he wouldn’t not believe in my version.
This shows an abusive and pre-potent company that take advantage of their power over consumers. I live in many countries before and I am astonished how this happened to my in Canada where one of the most remarkable characteristics of Canadians is being polite. I had never been disrespected and offended by anybody in my life as this supervisor did with me; who trashed and yelled at me during the whole conversation. Obviously this supervisor doesn’t know treating people with respect; moreover when we the consumers pay his salary. No question that Enbridge is hiring supervisors with no education or soft-skills to relate with any people. I feel disappointed that a portion of my bills is for paying the salaries of individuals that don’t provide assistance or customer service at all; but the the contrary: offense and disrespect. I hope Enbridge CEO, Daniel Patrick looks after this note and take the corrective actions to avoid that nobody ever is treated miserably and his/her consumer rights are not violated.
April 4, 2007
Cut us off for non payment
we currently rent and the bill was set up in the landlords name so we did not get the bill so we were cut off and asked to pay over 1,000 dollars which we did. we then changed the details and asked to be put onto a budget plan and we ere told no their was still outstanding balance. We still continued not getting the bill and now once again we have been cut off we have been told that we are signed up to ebilling so we dont receive any paper bills which we are not set up e billing and we can not cancel it as we dont have a password and enbridge said they cant either.
We have now been told we need to pay 1600 to be put back on but we dont have that money all at once we have 3 young children and we can not cook,wash and have no heating they have now put our children at risk. We will not have that sort of money for over 4 weeks but still they wont make payment arrangements with us
We have contacted all the local helplines and they said we either dont qualify or the money has ran out and we dont know anyone who could help us.
Back in the uk where we lived they could not cut us off for non payment and i think this is wrong we dont believe it was our fault that we did not get the bills and out kids are now suffering
Please can someone help us?
October 30, 2006
Ipossibly rude and difficult to deal with
From Nov.2004 to Nov. 2005, I was overcharged for gas to heat an apartment that I rented. I was forced to pay the said amount in the spring, and after I threatened to sue them,they sent me an unexplained refund of $600., and in addition,refunded the property owner over $1000. for the gas that had been used in my unit during the year 2004-2005. I was not able to speak to anyone in charge; my only contact was with extremely rude call center employees.At one point, I actually threw the phone out of frustration. I moved out of the unit in November 2005 and they have sent me several notification letters saying they owed me a refund of $56.38. I have yet to receive anything, and I feel that they owe me far more than that. I called in October 2005 to say I was moving out and still they have not sent me one penny! Other individuals have told me they are impossibly rude and difficult to deal with. Endbridge would be the first to cut off your heat if you didn't pay your bill on time.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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