I purchased a $900.00 set of gas (propane) logs from Ener-G-Tech in mid- November. I needed the logs and a propane tank installed. I asked the salesperson (you must be waited on by a salesperson, this business is not self-service)if they install. He informed me they had a list of plumbers they recommend. I purchased the logs and was given the list of plumbers. Two months and an additional $650.00 later, the plumber installed everything incorrectly. The gas company refused to hook up the tank. I then had to buy logs from the gas company and pay them for installation to the tune of $830.00.
I took the original logs back to Ener-G-Tech for a refund, only to be told "What to you expect us to do? We didn't tell you you had to hire one of our plumbers."
They sold me the logs knowing I required installation. They referred me to their plumbers to make the sale. The logs had never been used. A refund was definitely in order. I now have an extra set of $900.00 gas logs.