Glacial Energy Business Devpt Mature
November 28, 2010
Rep falsely distorts experience with glacial
Ex rep on 11 27 2010 falsely confuses all printed materials given in an innacurate craziness... The brochures of electrically represented GREAT and HELPFUL Glacial electric, are available at 419 794 1404 for proof.
For instance they confuse some "aft" stated innacurately with "EFT / ACH" auto draft terms. It was a little too complicated for this individual. 6000 NOT switching, agree it is good with Glacial ! and CCM teamccm . com
March 21, 2010
For everyone worried about how they're supposed to pay their progress energy bills and thinking "there's nothing I can do about it, " stop it!
There is something to do. Progress Energy is charging double their prices to build a 17 billion dollar nuclear power plant in Tampa, Florida.
Progress Energy only serves 1.7 million people in Florida (35 counties) meaning each house hold is required to pay 10, 000 towards the plant, without a choice. At the current rate, about 8% per kilowatt hour increase (which you can clearly see in your bill), it will take about 87 years of this rate to pay for the construction of this one power plant unless of course, you're paying around 600 for your bill. It would then only take you about 33 years to pay it off.
If you think "I live in Kansas, that doesn't apply to me, " think again. President Obama stated on February 16th "Investing in nuclear energy remains a necessary step" and "this is only the beginning." He plans to create nuclear power plants all over the US saying each one will create thousands of construction jobs with 800 being permanent.
Not only that, all of us pre-No Child Left Behind folk have at least heard of the Chernobyl incident whose effects we felt even here in America. The government can argue their safety policies all they want, but a nuclear power plant is a nuclear power plant and mass producing them in our country, subsequently increasing nuclear waste, and exponentially increasing the danger of nuclear disaster in our country is not in any way, a good idea.
Unless you plan on using your college major in construction to your advantage, or thing that your 1 out of 800 chance against thousands is good, you should join with us. US. All that agree, all that are against this injustice to us, WE the people, and sign this petition.