Dear Sir,
I am Mr. Timoumi Youssef, from Monastir (Tunisia). I am one winner of the sum of USS450 000 DOLLARS by the means of the Microsoft program lottery 2008.
To proceed to the payment of this profit, the FINANCIAL CITIBANK OF LONDON, in charge for the payment, requires me to provide a certificate of tax delivered by " London tax & Inland Revenue office ".
Please want, Mister to do what is necessary to deliver me as soon as possible this certificate. If necessary, I grant to you all possibility to deduce the expenses from tax of my profits.
Lastly, I inform you Mister that I am not a resident of the United Kingdom and that I never went to England.
Youssef Timoumi
Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs de Monastir
5019 Monastir
E.mail: [email protected]