I run a small to mid-size Auto Repair shop. We had a Sales Rep come by and talk to us about a 90 day in-house finance plan that would set up payments through our Customers checking account.
We could advertise "No Credit Check". We were impressed with the pitch and after some investagation we
decided to go with it. The price was very high ($165.00 month for 48 months) but we were promised, in writting, that the fees paid by the customers would more than make up for this.
The first few months we were told were a probation period and after that we would be funded UP-FRONT on
the total amount of the checks.
We had 7 good size repairs come in within a few days of putting up a banner. We were thrilled. I had to use a personal credit card to cover the cost until the "Guaranteed" payments hit our account. We had 2 of the
7 deals have an NSF on the date of the scheduled deposit. One called us up to say it would be available 2 days later on that Friday.
When we called this company with the info we were told that we would not receive our money until the checks clear AND that in NO way would we ever get paid Up-Front on any Hold check deals.
We immediately tried to stop this service and were told by the lease company that it was a non-cancellable lease for the full 48 month term.
We were lucky in that we had the Rep e-mail us the answer to some of our questions and 1 was about the up-front funding. Once we submitted this to the lease company we were able to get all our money refunded.
I then did a good search myself and did find a company that would set us up with a 90 day - No credit check-
up front funded plan and are happy to say we have had no problems (and funded 100% up front) with the 17 deals we have done so far.
O yes the best part- this New Company was less than HALF the cost of the Rip-Off Firm.