I got a new name for you...Guy Brown. I noticed this name is not mentioned by any of the complainants. My story is just like everyone elses, only I am a Police Officer and when I screamed that in their ear things started happening. (I still think it's all Bullshit) I've gotten hung-up on several times and told I had the wrong nimber until I shouted out obsceneties and mentioned my job description. All of a sudden appears a John Reynolds, Director of sales who promised my money back by Monday, Nov.9th.(BullShit). By the way his extension is #311. I would advise everyone to start calling "HIM" constantly. I contacted the Dept. of Agriculture and my local FBI office. I'd advise you all to do the same. However, when I contacted the State Attorney General's Office in Florida, only three complaints had been filed. This is not going to get any type of criminal investigation started. Please file a complaint with this office by contacting www.myfloridalegal.com. and click on online complaints. If the offer to start and join a club of people scammed by E.A.T. is still good count me in. I hope my story and this information is helpful in our plight to take these scam artists down!
I can be contacted at [email protected]
or 267-979-0859.