This People are real slick .Thy operate by the US mail, They start out by sending you to letter to help you with your problems.It could be anything from telling you they can help you with your destiny by palm reading to getting messages from i dont know where and then this service they, that they grantee, they send a bill<br />
they dont ask for any money at first .It c omes after they do what ever it is they do.After the bill comes and you dont pay it they start threatening to turn you over to a collections and adding more and more late fees.This is ashame this keeps going on They need to be stopped as soon as possible.It has been going on for longer than you would believe.They got me last year and i finely just payed them because i did not know what to do, but i did tell them to not to contact me agine but they did.I hope some thing can be done, I WOULD LIKE IF THEY ARE STOPPED