Hargie Hokins
February 9, 2011
My child is being treated unfairly
Beginning in September of 2010, two week after school already, my girls started at this school. I was not giving any new instructions concerning, rules changes nor any code of conduct stating that their been some changes concerning cell phone. Last year in 2009 the cell phone were giving to the front office and left until the end of the day. How ever, it was changed with out my knowledge. In 2010 they took my daughter Jameca's cell phone and did not return it until the end of this school year. What should have happen was, they should have given me, the parent, the phone than tool me, if they should see it again they will take it, than it will not be return only because you were not giving any notification of the change. Three months later my daughter Jameca was picked up early that day but returned the next day with a note, she was ask from her teacher to take it up front to be given to Mr. T.Holmes who dose the absent slips as well as the tardy slips, He sign Jameca absent slip as a tardy. Jameca was tole that she needs to stay for 20 min. after school for being tardy. I was not notified about my daughter staying for after school dentition until my daughter came home after she refusing to stay, after school for the detention, She ask Ms. Wright to explain when was she was tardy, they still could not explain it to her. I call the school to ask someone to explain to me why! Should Jameca have to stay after school and why wasn't I notified. Ms.Walker gave me a copy of her being excuse absent.It was still not properly explain to me. Ms.Walker informed me that the school do not call parents for every thing. I work at a hight school and we call parents to inform them about their child or children when discipline or actions being done. In January of 2011 Jameca had a light colored three toned hair brades, thay complained about that! That hair style coast up to a 110 dollas.It wasen't loud nor bad looking, their was a few more girls had their hair in different styles with different colrs as well.It was part of Jameca christmas gift, They tole me that Jameca could not return to school untill the brads is out. I feel as thou the school is picking on my child and the Super Intender whitch is Ms. Jennett C. Holms allow it. The Supper-Intender's familly members works at this school and thier grandchildren get to do any thing and wear any thing. Both of my girls tole me, that their were times when Kiya had a cell phone that was not taking from her, she also had color in her hair and she stayed in school.Noel which is a family member had colorful finger nail, which the school dont allow, but it was ok for her. My daughters will not be returning to this school any more.My daughters feel as thou it is a unfair school with to many familly members and their grandchildren that curses, fight, and get away with it.On a nother accastion, Jameca and her sister was out for the whole day for a dental apointment, when they return to school with my hand written note, cause I left the Doctors note at home. Ms. Wright question Jameca, several times why were thy both out so she tole Jameca were you out cause you got your hair done. Jameca keep quit until Ms. Wright repeated again in a angry way, causeing Jameca to reply! ya, what ever. However the letter that was writting by me stated that, If their should be any question concerning this latter please contact me, I also left my phone number were I can be reached at all time.The next day I ask Ms. Wright who gave her the the right to question my child about her were abouts, and futher more I left you my number to contact me.Ms Wright stated, she ask her because she need to see if it should be an unexcuse or excuse for that day.I was so up set.I returned the Doctors letter stating that they were seen that day.I tryed numerous of times on every issues that accured, to see the Supper Intender, I was all giving an excuse, such as, she don't come but only two day of the week.I would call and leave messages, no return. So this is my finial test, I had no other choise. I was tole to notify you all (BBB).