European Jewellery

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Category: Lifestyle

Contact Information
220 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Phone number: 416-599-5440

European Jewellery Reviews

natalie_577 November 25, 2010
Liars - Unreliable
My fiancee bought me an engagement ring. Unfortunately, it wasnt ready in time for our trip where he planned on proposing. So he purchased a "temp" ring in the mean time until the real ring was ready. The store said that my finger was small so they have to make the ring from scratch and should be ready in 4 weeks... 6 weeks the latest. When we came back from our trip I was excited to get the real ring so my fiancee and I called the store to check up on the 4th week. They said it wasnt ready. We called the 5th week, again they said it has not yet arrived and that the manager will give us a call the following day to see status of the ring. We did not receive a call. The 6th week we called again, the person who picked up said the ring still hasnt arrived and that the manager will call us. Again, the manager never called us, instead the person on the phone said that it shows on the computer that the ring would arrive the following week, the 7th week. Getting impatient, worried and upset I told my fiancee that I had a bad feeling about this.
The day the ring was supposed to arrive, I was waiting for the call from the manager to tell me to pick it up. Again, no call. I decided to call the store myself to complain. My fiancee gets a call from the manager saying that he still has not recieved the ring and that he has no idea why the supplier overseas still hasnt sent it. He then continues to say that the supplier has not returned their calls or email regarding the manner. Furious, I told him he needs to gave me ring asap because I had an engagement party in 3 weeks and that should give them enough time to figure something out because I have been waiting for 7 weeks already. He apologized and said that he was going to get an in-house jeweller make the ring because he was still unable to contact the supplier. He said that he could give me the ring in 3 weeks just in time for my engagement party. I called on the 9th week to follow up, he said he was going to look into it. Two days before I was supposed to pick up the ring he calls me and tells me that the ring is STILL NOT READY!! He said their in-house jeweller couldnt make the ring so now I have to wait a few more weeks until their supplier sends them the ring!!! OMG!! The same supplier that was supposed to have the ring ready 5 weeks ago! I was so angry and so disappointed with the quality of their work, customer service, their lies, their excuses and they still wouldnt do anything to compensate me for the time I waited! I started crying because I was so angry that I called the head office. Head office never called me back after I left a msg twice regarding this complaint! Until now... its been the 10th week and I still dont have my engagement ring! I had to go through with my engagement party without the ring I was supposed to have! Embarrassed, I had to tell all my 150 guests the story about European Jewellers/Marex and how much they screwed me over!!! I dont believe anything they say, anything they promise and I dont even want the ring anymore because they have completely angered me. I just want my money back and get the ring somewhere else. Unfortunately, they said no REFUND!!!

After 10 weeks I still have to wait for my engagement ring which was supposed to be ready 6 weeks ago!!
I am i furious with this company!
They are the WORST company/jeweller I have ever encountered. They are NOT TO BE TRUSTED! I will have to tell everyone I know about this and I think that everyone should spread the word that this company should not be worth buying from! There are so many complaints against them, they should just SHUT DOWN!
holagurrl July 5, 2010
Awful Service and Shady Practices
I went to Yorkdale with my mom in search of a watch to buy her for around $800. We went to the first jewellery store we found - EJ - and browsed through the collection of watches. A Gucci in the display window caught my mother's eye and we asked a salesperson to have a closer look at it. As soon as we told the lady we liked it, she offered us a similar Gucci for $1000 more with a small diamond ornamentation. We politely declined and asked for the price of the white one with no diamonds. The list price was $795, and the employee told us she could get us a small discount. She seemed very eager to close the sale and was pushing for it as soon as she gave us the price. Didn't offer warranty information or anything. We told her we needed to think about it and left.

We found another store called Marex Jewellery (EJ's sister store) and found the same watch in white and brown. We asked a saleslady to have a closer look at the two different colors it came in for comparison. My mom liked the brown dial more and again we were immediately pressured to close a deal. I inquired about the warranty and was informed it was a standard 2 years for inner repair. The employee told us about the additional "buckle to buckle" warranty. We said we weren't interested, but she kept rambling and giving us this meaningful look like we were missing out on a great deal. She also gave us a 10% discount, but it didn't seem too good considering the advertisement of large sales. We also overheard a male employee talking to another customer nearby, discussing the no payment for 12 months deal. He actually told the man that if he was smart, he would make a down payment on the item. Of course, he was implying that the customer wasn't smart, since he was choosing no down payment.

My mom wasn't sure what to do, so I told her I'd quickly return to EJ and find out their discounted price. I asked the same saleslady from before if they carried the watch with the brown dial and at what discount. She told me to wait a moment and then spent 10 minutes on the phone. She said that they did have it. I again asked for the discounted price but she refused to tell me, ordering me to call my mom now and get her to come to the store. I said that I just came to find if they had the brown watch and at what price but that I wouldn't call my mom unless I thought we should buy it. She ignored me, ordered me again to bring my mom to the store, and said she'd be right back to get the watch. "Where was she even going?" I thought to myself. Frustrated, I walked out before she came back.

I really didn't appreciate being talked down to. I may have a young-ish face, but I am 18 years old and shouldn't be treated like a child instead of a normal customer (I even towered over the lady because I'm tall for a girl).

When I looked up EJ reviews, I saw many bad ratings and comments and also found out that Marex is the sister store. That's where the saleslady was going - to get the brown watch from Marex! The two stores were probably in the same mall so that customers wanting to compare prices would find the same ones and decide to buy from one of the stores since they couldn't find a better deal. I also believe the extra warranty is rip-off because intead of having a professional doing watch repairs, regular store employees were at the counter tweaking with watch parts.

Bottom line: VERY unprofessional behaviour toward customers and useless warranty!
pcampan November 17, 2009
Bait & Switch - You Decide
My fiancé and I started out with the happy task of buying an engagement ring one Saturday morning. We did our comparison shopping and decided European Jewellery had the ring that we wanted and the stone quality we wanted as stated on the gemologist’s certificate. We were also very proud that it was a Canadian Diamond.

We looked at the paperwork Saturday night and realized that the serial number on the gemologist report didn’t match the serial number on the Canadian certificate and the extended warranty that we bought was for a watch and not a diamond. We weren’t able to verify the serial number of the diamond CA 96159502D on the Canadian Diamond website ( leaving the origin of the stone in question.

We went back to European Jewellery on Sunday and they read the serial number off the stone and we realized it was the wrong stone. The manager eventually found our diamond and said they were very sorry and they couldn’t believe the mistakes that were made. “Leave it with us for one day and we’ll verify the paperwork and get everything straightened out. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Monday I ended up calling them and they said to get our stone (the one on the certificate) would cost us an additional $200 and by the way NO REFUNDS. I went in Monday night and they refused to budge. Yorkdale security came to mediate and eventually managed to get their head office phone number (416.785.8801) and a name. I shook the hand of the officer and I thanked him for his help.

When I called the person at head office, Tuesday morning, she refused to talk and hung up on me.

Wanting to get on with our lives and put this behind us, my fiancé went in to pick up the inferior Grade H diamond on Tuesday. She went over all of the paperwork with the manager and they still made a mistake (put the SKU of a watch) on the warranty; luckily she caught it or the warranty would be worthless.

The proof is in the paperwork that I scanned Saturday night. Yorkdale security witnessed the manager admitting that this was the paperwork they gave us on Saturday.

Thanks for reading.
June 8, 2008
Bad service
European Jewelery Horror Story!!! Long but should be worth reading...

I am finally deciding to make my "experience" public here on the internet so other consumers can make a wise choice before spending thousands upon thousands for a store that hardly seems to really value each individual consumer. Certainly like anything in life some people will have great experiences and some horrific. Normally with purchase of such luxury items you are far too excited sometimes to even realize or care but as the situation got worst for me it became time.

To introduce my story i'm a young watch collector who has brands such as Raymond Weil, Fortis, Omega (sadly) and soon Rolex. Have dealt with jewellers all over Ontario and even a few in USA with pleasant experiences. The things you will read a little further down will hopefully ensure you get better service from another dealer or speak up about things as most do not.

Summer 2007 I started a new job in downtown Toronto and of course one of the main things on my list to experience was a new watch to the collection. Considering all the local dealers and brands my obvious first choice was Rolex but wanted to take small steps and work my way up having nice variety to the collection. A second place childhood dream was the Omega SeaMaster Professional so a lot of comparing was done in terms of dealers and models. After the first visit to European Jewellery in the Toronto Eaton Center there was definitely a tough choice to be made, being the way I am sometimes it is a pain to wait too long especially when your favorite brand is planning updates on the model you want. That day in European Jewellery all that was done is a quick browse of the Omega display case.

This now brings us to visit number two, because of course this is no impulse purchase. In the afternoon I had left the office dressed in business attire (Hugo Boss shirt and Armani tie) not that it matters, but wanted to go have a closer look this time to try figure out this tough choice. Arriving at the Eaton Centre from the Yonge street entrance of course I'm headed directly to European Jewellery. The store was not busy at all at that particular time, so after a few moments an older gentleman approaches me and asks if he can help. Responding to him I say yes of course and explain how I'm considering this watch but want to have a closer look. With my knowledge of the watch industry it is known to me that after a watch comes out, gets popular and does really good sales the retailers can and will offer you deals of 15%, 20% and sometimes near 30% off list price. Having with that in mind well examining the watch in my hands I asked him what it was selling for there, he quoted me the list price of $3, 800.00 CAD. Knowing the other dealers had given the discounted price with including tax of $3, 200.00 CAD ish I just bit my tongue and told him how i'm considering the Submariner which at the time was $5, 750.00 including tax but had a list price of $6, 260.00 CAD. He then continued to give me this look as I noticed from the corner of my eye well looking at the watch and literally stated "Do you even have the money for this watch?" That really shocked me, the fact he would say such a thing regardless but especially to a person who is well groomed and dressed in designer business attire. Frustrated as hell I obviously left and did not pay any attention to that ignorant salesman due to the turn over rate in that job also knowing he was not even wearing a watch himself, which really should not matter anyways.

Keeping in mind now that this is the doing of one silly employee and not the company, I decided a while later to call them on a Saturday and see if they still had the watch in stock for me to look at and try make a choice based on what they offer me. The reason for obsession with price is the fact that Omega watches have terrible re sale value unless it is kept for years and develops some special demand similar to those old North American Muscle cars sold at the Barrett Jackason auction in USA. Car's that when new cosed no more than $15, 000.00 Max in most cases sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars restored like new. The lady who answered the phone in the watch department said to me, "We are having a BIG sale". This got me interested so asked her what it was selling for, their policy was they do not say on the phone which I respected and knew some places don't but funny thing is every other dealer called before was able to quote me on the phone or at least give me a range within a few hundred so I know if it is a waste of my time for now or not. She said the only way she could tell me is if I go down to the store.

Figuring to myself ok that sounds fair if the sale is as big as she claims but would have still been nice to get a range. Living near Ajax, Ontario it is quite a distance to travel down to the Toronto Eaton Centre. Being such a big interest of mine I just went. Being it was the weekend I wanted to dress more comfortably instead of the shirt and tie worn each and every day in the office. Wearing a pair of Blue jeans and an Adidas light spring jacket I'm on my way, waiting for the Go Train to begin this long trip. Upon arrival when she saw me and realized that it was me who called she gave me this strange look, told me the price which was virtually list price and took the watch out to show me. Having seen it before it never hurts to handle it again to make the choice easier. Knowing they have security procedures was obviously no issue to me but the way this was done was hardly "procedure". From the corner of my eye again noticed a sales person further down behind the other counter give this head nod motion to a salesman standing n the middle who then walked over to the door. That of course if fine be me and even better so no one walks in and tries anything. What was strange is how he stood faving me and staring right at me the entire time. Personally I love the stores that you need to be buzzed into, I feel safe in there with my money and looking at watches with a security guard or two around. This was now strike number two and my anger level was rising.

Remembering the first mans comment and this incident I was now out to do what I do best, prove people wrong. Now my mind was made up and to me it was leverage to get a more accurate price. Finally with the amount of money in hand I was told by other collectors to aim for and what they paid, it gave me the power to walk out and go elsewhere but was too determined to show them. The same lady was there, accept this time she saw me straight from the office dressed up in business attire and was kind of shocked it seemed. Offered a proper price and that was it, deal. After an incident with the bank not raising the debit card limit in time I walked from Eaton Center near to Wellington street at the TD branch there only to come back with cash in hand. The watch was taken behind the counter and before I could say anything the tag was cut off. To some of you it may not matter or may be like "it is just a tag" but it turns out from recently contacting Swatch Group Canada they say it should have NEVER been cut off and I should have had it included. That was obvious to me because all the other watch collector friends got it and the tag is a nice keepsake for the future. Being too excited at the time to argue with them after he seemed to place it under the counter they cleaned it, the same lady on my way out said "She did not think I was going to ever come back to buy it" I replied well yep I just did...

Some time passing now realizing that more and more people obtained this it just did not make sense. Contacted the store and the manager said they could not get me one, that they are thrown in the garbage after. That really made me wonder, why on earth take it and throw it out instead of just giving it to the person who buys the watch it was attached to? Took it a step further after retailers let me down, called Swatch Group Canada and before they told me it was standard to give it, they said one could not be issued or re created. Going now directly to the source and making an international call to Omega in Switzerland, they were appalled at the story of my experience, made a formal apologize and have since then ordered me a tag and the lady also mentioned giving me the COSC Certificate too. They seem confident in re gaining my as a "customer" but too late for that now.

Swatch group Canada soon followed, the day after two separate people called me in less than a two hour period to say how sorry they were and how they will make sure this issue is passed on to those further up, and the stores review sales procedure. Deciding to call back the store manager and give him the update on the situation he was not in but the other manger was. After getting the run around I was placed on hold for quite some while until he became available. He was told this ENTIRE horror story and was "Flabbergasted". Claimed they would make it up to me and Tomorrow some lady from their store who is out of the country on business will call me to discuss it. She did call today and did the worst damage control I could ever imagine. Trying so hard to get me to go back and buy stuff overlooking the bad taste left in my mouth and tarnished image. She said to give them a "second chance" but if going back to buy a watch from there after all that stuff is not a second chance then WOW! The conversation ended and as promised to them, regardless to who cares this story will get published on numerous forums, watch blogs, complaint boards etc so future consumers know what to look out for, do not make the same mistake I made of going back and actually speak up because the majority of people let things slide and never bring issues in the open to peoples attention. At first I was like that but as the treatment from Omega and European Jewellery declined it became my duty to make other aware of this experience.

I will now certainly NEVER shop at European Jewellery as long as I shall live, going to make sure none of my family members, friends or any locals on watch forums etc go or at least know this. From this point forward Rolex will get all my business. They treated me like royalty on the phone with Rolex Canada, had all the info needed. The retailers on Bloor street too were incredible and gave me the best experience one could ever imagine. Omega claiming to be going after "Direct competition" with Rolex to me is a joke with service like that and against a brand that even those who know nothing of watches realize it is among the best out there. Hopefully you all speak up about any situations similar to this! It is not only to let the store have their bad things out there but to help protect us, the consumers. The lady that called me today did not want me to post this on the internet but too late they should have thought of this several months ago. If even one person decides not to buy from European Jewellery or Omega due to this article or the love of other brands also I am satisfied.

Thank you for reading.

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