June 13, 2009
Dishonest business & Realtor
The European Village of Palm Coast is a sleazy and dirty place to reside or to shop in. The main realtor Korreen will promise anything to rent an apartment there, including that there is security and no pets when in fact there is no security at all and there are many robberies and harassments from the drunks that frequent this supposed safe European village. The lobby has been trashed and everything in it has been stolen, it is completely dark at night as there are no lights at all and people that enter it during evenings to use the elevator are accosted by drunks and drug users that use it in between their visits to the European Village's bars. The Lobby elevator is dirty and has been making a loud grinding noise for over six months as no one at the European Village is willing to pay for repairs or to hire a cleaning service to clean any of the building floors or elevators. The crime is continuing to rise as apartments have been broken into and the lobbies on every floor have been robbed of everything in them including tables and couches. It is a terror to be in the elevator when someone enters with a large and growling German Shepherd dog that the realtor Koreen had falsely claimed did not exist. The high noise levels, loud music and voices of the drunks is unbearable as it continues late into the night and prevents the occupants of apartments from getting any sleep. This inconsideration is caused mostly by the businesses within the European Village to drum up business while at the same time they are torturing the occupants that reside in the apartments above their stores. A visit to the European village will show many vacant stores and apartments as it is a huge rip off and a sleazy, overrated and dirty place that is doomed to become Palm Coast's first ghetto. According to witnesses, the European Village was a development scam from the onset, where people were conned into buying apartments and stores, while the developers ran off with the money, leaving the European village without a management as it is today and continues to be trashed. I strongly recommended that no one rents any apartment in the European Village and stays away from a store called the "Coastal Mermaid" where the sweet talking owner Judy is a creep that has threatened and spread lies about a very kind cancer patient who believed Judy and rented an apartment from her after Judy and her friend and realtor Korreen falsely promised that the place was safe, had security and that there were no pets, when in fact there was no security at all and the cancer patient was attacked by a huge German Shepherd in the elevator and was accosted by drunks in the dark, unlit lobby of the European Village. Aside from these dishonest people there are several very good restaurants such as a very good Italian Restaurant run by a gentleman named Larry, the Mezaluna Pizza restaurant, Jean's and a wine store that is run by a very nice lady. Stay away from the European Village and do not make the mistake of residing there.