I fell for the great off Everbright Whitener offered...for a few dollars shipping, they'd send me this wonderful product...Fortunately my bank declined the charge, and I was given the information that this company was flagged by them for fraudulent activity. I was given their toll free number which I called. A foreign accented woman who gave me the name AMY ANDERSON took my info...I could barely hear her, and finally she told me she couldn't give me a cancellation confirmation number over the phone, and that I needed to log onto [email protected], fillout a form, and that I'd be receiving an email from her shortly...I called the number back 10 minutes later...SAME VOICE-DIFFERENT NAM- but again a PAKISTANI accent...she said she was part Haitian...same poor connection, and she repeated my email address spelling EXACTLY like the first woman read it back to me.
I CLOSED my credit card and ordered a new one, because I'm certain the will be attempting more charges...I suggest anyone reading this do the same!