I ordered a Rolex replica watch from exactwatches.net for $500.00 with the promise of delivering a solid one year guarantee, I bought the more expensive replica because I did not wanted any problems with the watch. After ordering I received an email stating that the watch will arrive inside a toy box, which I found strange and started to regret the venture with this particular company. Once the watch arrived I noticed a discrepancy on the time and immediately reported the problem to the vendor and NEVER received any follow-up calls from them. On their website they SPECIFICALLY promise high standards in customer service and high product quality with 100% guarantee... NONE OF THEIR PROMISES ARE TRUE *** BUYER BEWARE ***
After a few weeks later the watch stopped working, it sounded like there were loose components inside the watch. At this point I realize that I have been taken advantage by the company and got really worry about my purchase. Once again, I email NANCY MYERS, customer service, made numerous calls and even got on their facebook page without any luck. The hardest part to understand is that their employees were under the impression that the company was going to take care of the issue and never did.
I feel that this company has consumer predatory practices and they DO NOT care about their product and/or services. I find it very strange since the choice market place is the internet and once you built bad reputation on the net your business will have bad economical repercussions.
I obviously made the wrong choice and now I’m paying for the consequences. This company does not honor their 100% product guarantee, they sell poor quality watches and refuse to deal with legitimate customer complaints.
Very disappointed customer,