Should you receive a call from anyone from Executive Options / Howard Nestler / Howard Jay or anyone with a slick sales pitch to help you get employed - Watch out! This guy has a slick outfit that is basically a SPAM Machine. He professes to work with 12 clients monthly and he'll assist you with "personal attention", "his fee is a small price to pay given how much time it'll take you find a job", "your future employer will reimburse you", etc. You don't get special attention, the resume service is flunkies writing it in an unconventional manner, and no one employing people will have anything to do with him.
His machine also includes a bunch of phony news releases from unknown news sources quoting him as the mesiah of employment with really stupid, basic statements. He'll provide you with a few references of people that will vouch but I truly suspect they're set-up.
The "marketing of you" consist of e-mail pushes to "contacts" they have. This is BS. You will end up with more undeliverables than you know what to do with and you begin to realize this guy is a spamming machine. You are then left to sort through any potential leads and insurance contacts to realize you have nothing but garbage and spammed undeliverables.
Unfortunately for me there was not enough information to learn about this scam before I bit. I do know he has tried to bully sites to remove any information about him or he'll sue.
The cost of this spam service is roughly anywhere from $3900 - $5, 000. The pitch is slick and the pressure is intense. I ask you one question to consider - Honestly if he were that good - why is out there cold calling people and putting on the slick sales pitch. Watch out ! You've been warned.