I would like to report the following about Exim America Corp. This is
how they work (pls see below, do not hesitate to contact me for
company contacts, they stole money from)
I received the below fax from the company EXIM AMERICA CORP.,
www.eximamericacorp.com, [email protected], saying they have two
offices: in New York 275 Madison Avenue, 429 Lenox Avenue Miami.
Objeto: Venta de productos seleccionados en Estados Unidos
Estimado Gerente,
Nuestro personal responsable de compras nos ha indicado que sus
productos son de sumo interes para el mercado americano, dado que las
grandes cadenas de ventas, mayoristas e importadores americanos estan
solicitando productos parecidos a los que usted vende.
Nuestra red de vendedores se extiende por toda America y estamos en
condiciones de introducir sus productos en las 100 cadenas de venta
mas importantes, a los mayoristas, y a los importadores americanos.
Ademas, los productos estaran expuestos de forma gratuita en nuestros
stands de exposicion en las principales ferias americanas.
Creo que es de interes para ambos colaborar para vender sus productos
a los compradores americanos interesados. Espero su llamada o si
prefiere, puede enviar el cupon siguiente, lo contactaremos a la
Espero su respuesta.
Saludos cordiales
Tom Ford
Enviar por fax al numero (001)305 028 4550
Deseo recibir informacion para vender mis productos en Estados Unidos..
I filled in the form and shortly was contacted by a person from Exim
America Corp. They could not tell me where they saw our products, but
they claimed that there was a strong interest in this product in the
United States.
They offered us to sell our products, and sent us a contract in which
they confirm that the products are considered having a strong interest
by the american buyers, as well as their buying agents.
Exim America is taking the charge to funcion as our commercial office
in the USA.
Their agents will sell the products to wholesalers, chains, and distributers, in order to get orders of 20.000 Euros,
monthly, or 40.000 Euros, which would be 250.000 Euros or 500.000 per
During this time the products would be exhibited in two important
trade shows in the United States.
The collaboration is monthly, and would be renovated monthly.
The cost of the program would be 1000 or 2000 or 3000 Euros monthly,
depending on how much they 'promise to sell'.
The american buyers will have to pay by bank transfer or credit card.
In case of renewing the collaboration of 12 months, Exim America, will
pay back 6.000 Euros if the company did not receive the orders
promised by Exim America.
I signed the contract and sent it to Exim America, and sent them a
collection of our products to show at a trade show in NY.
After the trade show I received the following report:
Informe acontecimientos en las ferias de Nueva York.
Por la presente le confirmo que segun lo acordado, sus productos
fueron expuestos en la feria que se realizare en Nueva York del 4 al 6
de Enero de 2009.
La concurrencia a la feria fue buena. Varios compradores visitaron los
stands y encontraron sus productos muy interesantes.
Nuestro personal de venta tuvo la tarea de brindar todas las
informaciones referentes a sus productos y explicar sus
caracteristicas a los potenciales compradores.
Se iniciaron varios contactos con compradores y tendran lugar otros follow-up.
El resultado fue positivo, y consideramos que se puede efectuar un buen trabajo.
Lo mantendremos informado de los futuros acontecimientos.
Le agradezco de antemano la atencion brindada y le envio mis
cordiales saludos
Tom Ford
They also phoned me saying that the trade show went well, but we had
to be patient to receive orders. We were also asked to pay the second
monthly rate, another 2.000 Euros, which we refused, as we were
promised to receive orders from the first month for 40.000 Euros.
They could never give us any reference of any companies collaborating
with them. Exim America that says to have offices in Miami, and NY for
some reason is registered in the state of Deleware, as we found out.
I would like to warn all the companies, please do not beleive to Exim
America, they will charge you but will never get you no business.