Expedite Media Group is a scam. I paid $1, 500 and got nothing in return . After paying $1, 500 up front it took them 3 months to put up a VERY POOR website. Plus they never added my e-mail address that was connected to the site. I have lost 2 business deals because of this company. I continue to call them to fix the site or refund my money and they do not call back. The sales boy/ VP name is Brian Kramer, this guy is a person NO business should trust. He is a pro spam artist and a master at stealing money. He is listed all over the internet as a crook. Go to Spamhaus ROKSO: Brian Kramer / Expedite Media Group or spamhaus.org to see his pro-file. Also google “brian kramer scam” you will see thousands of pages on how he stole money from people. Do not give him or Expedite your credit card information. Expedite Media Group and Brian Kramer are also listed on the Better Business Bureau website. BBB.org gave them a F rating. You can look them up at: www.bbb.org/.../business.../expedite-media-group-in-aurora-il-88013813
BBB Reliability Report for
Expedite Media Group, Inc
BBB Rating F
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BBB Accreditation
This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.
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BBB Rating for Expedite Media Group, Inc
Based on BBB files, Expedite Media Group, Inc has a BBB Rating of F on a scale from A+ to F.
Reasons for this rating include:
94 complaints filed against business
Failure to respond to 72 complaints filed against business.
6 complaints filed against business that were not resolved.
Overall complaint history with BBB.
Click here for an explanation of BBB Ratings
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Business Contact and Profile for Expedite Media Group, Inc
Name: Expedite Media Group, Inc
Phone: (630) 897-6448
Fax: (630) 897-6895
Address: 2 South Broadway . 2nd Floor
Aurora, IL 60505
Website: http://www.expedite-email-marketing.com/
Original Business Start Date: February 2002
Customer Contact:
Entity: Corporation
Incorporated: February 2002, IL
Type of Business: Electronic Mail Service, Web Design
BBB Accreditation: Expedite Media Group, Inc is not a BBB Accredited business.
Additional DBA Names: Expedite Media Group
Expedite Media Group and Brian Kramer are now using Marketingservices123.com as the new front company. Brian Kramer contacts people with
[email protected] .
Expedite Media Group has 90 complaints on file with the BBB and a F rating. They have 22 complaints that are being investigated by the Illinois Attorney General's office.