A year or so ago someone Fraudulently used my credit card information to buy some flights. I thought it would be good to put a security freeze on my credit reporting accounts.
I am now trying to remove the freeze to obtain a mortgage. My crime is that I have lost my PIN Number. Experian has no simple mechanism to obtain a new PIN. I tried to can cancel the freeze and re-start in 30 days. I sent the required information but I get a standard letter back with a box ticked asking me to send the same information again. Just seem to be going around in circles. To make things worse Experian have it set up so that can can never speak to a live operator.
It would also appear I am forced to buy a report in order to query my current report status and that I might actually get to speak to someone.
It seems Strange a company can hold information about me and then hold me hostage to make it available to someone I want to see it.
I'm sure I'm not the first or will be the last person to lose their PIN NUMBER.