I know you're all frustrated...I am too. The 877-350-8480 number is either bogus or completely unmanned. Basically, what I would recommend and what I've done that has worked is to call your bank or credit card company and get a new credit or debit card set up, basically explain the situation and it will be treated like an identity theft situation where there is unauthorized purchases from your account. Next, all of you should contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint because there is power in numbers and their business will be shut down if enough of us complain. According the acaiberry website they are located in Florida so here is the information to contact the Florida Better Business Bureau.
BBB Serving Southeast Florida and the Caribbean
(West Palm Beach, FL)
4411 Beacon Circle, Ste. 4
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Phone: (561)842-1918
Fax: (561)845-7234
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.bbbsoutheastflorida.org
It's probably easiest to file a complaint online but you can also call or write them. Hang in there! It sucks being taken advantage of by this company, but we are not powerless...we can do something about it. And tell all your friends/family not to purchase from this company!