Post Date: 09/23/2009; Transaction Date: 09/21/2009; Reference # 05130779265092201396197; MCC Code 5499; MCC Description: Miscellaneous Food Stores-- Specialty; Amount: $8.53 plus $.07 International Trans Fee charged to my Master Card. All these charges began appearing on my credit card after signing up for a "Free Trial"with Dazzle Smile and Whitesmile (Clean Whites) on August 25, 2009. On August 29, 2009, I called both Dazzle Smile and Clean Whites cancelling my "Free Trial". I received no product from Ezykit, have no idea who or where they are located, but my Master Card was charged $8.53 plus $0.07 International Trans Fee. This is a scam and effective October 2, 2009 I had my Master Card blocked in the hopes of resolving the problem.
June M. Protani
[email protected]