January 31, 2009
Employment and Magazine Scam
Our 19 year old son, his cousin and his friend, saw this website http://www.travelworkplay.com and wanted to work, so they accepted a Greyhound ticket from Seattle to Los Angeles, then they traveled back to Oakland, all on the Greyhound about a 20 hour trip. These people from American Cash Award or Face to Face Technologies are called “Jamie and Richie, ” no last names are known. They then put these "kids, " most are 20-ish from very financially modest families into groups for their training. The training is hours and hours of “how to knock on doors and convince people to buy magazines.” The company spends a great deal of time on explaining all the money there is to be made and the bonuses and gifts and awards they can win. There is no mention that they will be fired from the company if they do not sell anything or sell “low numbers.” There can be anywhere from 50-100 kids traveling "together." They conveniently move these kids from one town to another about every 3-4 days, not every 3-4 weeks as mentioned on the website. They move them via tinted window style SUVS anywhere from 12-19 per kids carload. The kids are housed 3-4 per hotel room, and the company tends to rent many rooms to house all the kids at one hotel. There is no paid training. These kids are told they are independent consultants. They attend 2-3 sales meetings in the morning starting at around 7AM until 10:30AM. They are told to go to homes with a sales pitch intended to solicit magazine subscriptions to people, and to the best of the boy’s knowledge these subscriptions are never actually received by paying customers. They are told to tell the people who answer the door that they are college kids, kids on a trip, some money goes to charity, and numerous other stories. They are told to say the represent several different companies depending on which housing development area are they are in. They have several "car handlers" whose job it is to dump these kids off near retirement age communities and trailer parks and pick them up at the end of the day or for re-location, they are brain washed as well. Our son said the “bosses” hold back 20% of everything they make to pay for hotel expenses, gas for the vehicles and etc… This begins on day one not after day 14 as stated on the website where it says their “training is all expenses paid.” The most he made in one day was $40.00. He worked there 2 weeks and that was the most he made, in one day. The other days he made much less…oh and although I mentioned that their day started at 7A I forgot to mention that they end the day at 8:30P. They have to be back in their rooms by 1AM, for a room check. Our son did mention that there were people in the “top” groups that made $300-$400 a day but since they constantly re-arrange the kids in each group there is no way to know for sure. The big ploy here is that these kids are there of their own free will. They are over 18 years old. They are told they are independent contractors but not allowed to retain or pay for their expenses with their own money, as the money is paid out daily less what the bosses keep for their expenses. They are paid in green cash. Our son was told that this company rented a strip club to host their annual Christmas party in (the event is mentioned on their website, but the company failed to mention the strip club part) All in all, in the 14 days he was there he was moved to three different hotels and if you count where he came from covered over 1, 400 miles. He was extremely worn out and convinced that this company was “legit.” Apparently the bosses reinforce that what they are doing is legal, over and over. When we finally were able to find the hotel that he was staying in, we were told several times by his “room mates” that he wasn’t there. He had to borrow someone’s cell phone and go outside for privacy. BTW, because they roomed with many different people and they were consistently changing the groups, they never really got to know the people that they slept near, so when they showered they took all their belongings into the bathroom with them. He said kids had things stolen constantly. During our phone call with him, a “boss” over heard his dad saying, “You either call me in an hour or I will know something is wrong and call the police.” When he got off the phone he was asked questions about who he was speaking to and what they wanted. The “bosses” decided at that time (midnight Friday night) to transport him to the nearest airport and dumped him off. He slept in the airport with $30.00 in his pocket, and we flew him home. Take this information for what it is worth. There is no reason for us to lie, there is no reason for our son to lie about what happened. Our son is old enough to make his own decisions, but clearly if he had explained this all in the beginning, before leaving town suddenly with promises made by Face to Face Technologies of “money and travel, freedom and fun”…we would have told him that when it sounds too good to be true, it is. This company preys upon young adults whose ability to see clearly is clouded by empty promises, the elderly that they sell magazine subscriptions to, and lower income areas where these kids tend to fit in and people feel sorry for them. These kids typically are embarrassed to call home and tell their family they need help getting home, which by the way, is an expense they need to pay for. Tomorrow his group was slated to “jump” as they called it, to Utah. The farther he got from home the more expensive it would have been to bring him back and the harder it would be for him to afford a ticket home on his own and who only knows if we would have been able to find him willing. This is truly very cult like in technique.