I'm sick/disabled & have no one so I had no choice but to move into a HUD dump on 4/06. They let me move in without really cleaning or fixing the place. And once I was there it was next to impossible to get them to come fix anything.
There was several things wrong with my apt. I had roaches & also mice. I had a leaking ceiling in the bathroom that eventually caved in. Plus both the furnace & the hot water heater were junk.
That was just my apt. As far as the overall apts you had security harassing some people & letting others get away with murder. Talking to management or even the owners got me no where. So I went over their heads to HUD who told me to go to OHFA. I went to both to no avail.
But just the fact that I did started this retaliation that ended with me being wrongfully evicted. In the 30 days that I had to move I went around & got pics, a video, postings by other people, petitions & witnesses. I posted most of this on a website & sent management, the owners, HUD & OHFA, the health dept., Legal Aid & the news the link. Yet at the end of 30 days I still had to move.
So I filed a formal complaint with HUD & sent them a link to this site. They never looked at my site. They never called any of my witnesses. They waited a year then sent me a letter saying they're blowing it off due to the lack of evidence.
I've contact the HUD office I was dealing with & the main HUD office in Washington DC I think...all to no avail.
This story is posted here: http://dawnswebdesigns.com/blog/?p=30 (complete w/ pics). If you're an attorney who can help me sue both Fairmont Terrace & HUD I'd really appreciate it. Because Legal Aid will not help me with this...I already asked.