We are what you can consider loyal customers to this store, we bought many different items from this store or one of the stores owned by the same guy. We spent many thousand dollars there since he is almost the only store in town selling furniture.
One fateful day we needed a new mattress, of course we went to his store to buy it. There we found the Avalon Pillow Top by Golden Mattress Company. When we got this mattress home it smelled really bad. Off-gassing they call that. So we had it sitting out for 2 days without sleeping on it.
The following morning I was very sick. My stomach was clenching and head was spinning so fast I couldn't stand up. It took all day to recover from this. We of course wrapped up the mattress and tried to get the store to take it back.
The store would not do this; they would ship it to the manufacturer and get a replacement for us, but we really don't want that mattress anymore. I think I might die breathing that again. So he gives horrible customer service and is evil enough to knowingly selling toxic mattresses.
Calling the Golden Mattress company they simply tell me that they have never had complaints about their mattresses thus all chemicals they use must be okay. Yikes, feel like being a guinea pig?
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- Ron