Any Insurance Professional Beware of Annuity Angents Inc., they are the biggest scam I have come across in years. Their so called preset appointments are $85 a piece with a minium of 15. You do the math! They are supposed to have a connection with several senior associations but after running several of their garbage appointments this is certainly a lie. Several of the appointments had no clue why I was standing at their front door. They even set me a appointment with an gentlemen who sales insurance and services his own annuities. When I arrived to his home, he thuoght I was from the company that he already had his existing annuity with and he stated that he did not want anyone to come to his home, but they still sent me there. The rest of the appointments were not suitable for any annuities. The appointments were people in their late 70's with no available assets, some of them were still employed.
I guess it took $1, 275 to learn a lesson. Generate your own leads and never pay companies like this by check. The biggest lesson I learned is that usually if it sounds to good to be true, it usually is... For any other info on these creeps email me at [email protected]