Stop of Cheque Delivery with Identification Number :No:CPEL/OWN/9877 to, Country: India
Inland Revenue and the British Tax Investigation Service are Authorized and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. The Taxation and Revenue Department assesses certain type’s taxes. A tax is levied on lotteries, raffles, etc. almost everywhere, normally by the payment authority on behalf of the Government. In some cases, we receive a share of lottery taxes levied by the Government. However, in most cases, the tax takes the form of a permit fee. It is only classified as a tax in a few Governments/Countries.
Non residential tax is the sole responsibility of the beneficiary. Income taxes deducted from source generally include direct federal tax, communal taxes, as well as, most of the time, church tax. As in the case of income tax, cantonal tax rates vary to a fairly large extent depending on the Locality.
Governmental tax scales for withholding tax and the corresponding regulations are available at the Government Tax Departments. The funds (£500, 000.00 pounds sterlings) is now on Hold because we (Tax Investigation Services) noticed that you are not a British citizen, so in this case you will have to pay a non- residential fee before this cheque will be allowed to be shipped by FASTWAY COURIER SERVICE U.K LTD.
As the cheque is a cheque issued by a British bank. Therefore, the amount for the non residential tax is 2, 250.00(Two thousand two hundred and fifty pounds sterlings)Equivalent to(185, 063.184INR), To the British government as non residential tax to our account department and provide us a copy of your payment receipt, before we can release the HOLD on your parcel. This will ensure that your funds are not taxed again by any Tax Authorities. You will not pay any additional taxes to the IRS again when your parcel finally arrive your designated address in INDIA.
This cheque and the winning documents can only be sent to you if only you are cleared for UK INLAND REVENUE tax, and the only way you can be cleared is when you pay for Non residential tax fee.
A copy of this message has been forwarded to The MICROSOFT LOTTERY BOARD, and FASTWAY COURIER SERVICE U.K LTD. Also find appended copy of your Legally Binded document below.
When you are ready to send the non-residential tax payment, contact FASTWAY COURIER SERVICE U.K LTD for
payment details.
Yours Faithfully,
Deputy Revenue Commissioner