June 4, 2009
Bad service
Although this is my first post in here, I have been "dipping" in here for a while now, always meaning to sign up but never actually getting round to it..but today that changed.
Mainly due to this thread and my burning desire to post a reply. Kudos goes to Nomaxim for the detailed DD posted above, something I wish I knew how to do myself, but all I can add to this topic is that I paid my fee with them about 4 weeks ago..and then sat on it for another 2 weeks before I actually started the diet in question.
Regarding the diet itself, it seems to be working for me, as I started out at a whopping 24 stone and I've lost just over a stone in the first two weeks of doing this thing..albeit most will no doubt be water flushed from the body, but if history is anything to go by..and my run-ins with other diets out there, then I think this should work if you stick to it as directed.
If you have know anything about the Atkins diet, then this will bring that back to mind, but it does differ in that it is not as strict as the Atkins one, but don't think you are going to be eating fabulous meals..no way, it's just the basics of meat, chicken, veg and fruit mainly, spread out over four meals per day.
The first few days take a bit of getting used to, but after than you should fly through it as long as you don't cheat!
The diet runs for 11 days and then you get 3 "cheat" days off, when you can eat anything you like..junk food included, but I wouldn't over-do it if I were you, as you will only have to burn it all off later. Just try and stick to normal meals and sweets without making a pig of yourself and you should be fine.
Then, once the 3 days are over, it's back into another cycle of 11 days, which a new set of menus that you download from the website..but again, it's basically the same foods as before that you picked, only moved around through out the 11 days.
That is the basic premiss of their diet..that by moving foods around (Carbs and Proteins) you confuse the body into burning more fat than it usually does. Like I said before, it is working for me at the time I am writing this, so I have no complaints.
At this stage, anything that works for me is a God send and I an grateful for it. But that's me..others may get different results and everyone should keep that in mind. We are all different and when we go on the same diet some lose more than others..it does mean the diet is a rip-off or a scam..just that no two people have the same metabolic make-up..some will always lose more than others..but, in my case, if I am losing at all then that's fine by me.
One last point worth noting if you are interested and like your sugar..don't quit..it can be hard enough as it is for some..instead switch to fructose instead..it's extracted from plants and fruit and is 100% natural..plus it won't mess with your body the way sugar does! But be warned..don't pile it in coffee or tea, as you might get a side effect from it, mainly oral thrush..so keep it to about half a spoon per cup/mug and you should be fine, as it is sweeter than sugar anyway.