We were in New Orleans for a vacation weekend and were invited to a "one-hour" presentation in exchange for a $100 VISA card.
During the 3+hour presentation we were told many things about this wonderful program - points could be deferred year after year, taken from the 40 year end point and moved up front, used at other resorts, would have no problem booking time, etc. etc. etc. But first and foremost, no pressure. If you didn't want to buy, don't.
Not expecting to make a $22k purchase while on vacation, we said thanks but no thanks. We wanted to think it over for a couple of days. That's when the "manager" came over to give us the "no pressure" (?!?) sales pitch. The price dropped from $22k to $16k and we were offered a "discounted" 3 or 4 night stay at their wonderful resort in SC for only $690. We again said no, we don't make expensive purchases like this on an impulse. He then got a bit angry and asked what he could do to get us to buy today. We said nothing, we weren't buying today. He then got up, said good day and left. We were hastily escorted to the door. When I asked for the paperwork that we could take home and look at, the girl at the desk looked at us like we were crazy, gave our gift card and told us goodbye. We used the card that night for dinner in case so if there was trouble with it, we could go back in the morning. The waitress said to us that she was surprised it worked knowing we had gotten it just a couple of hours earlier; she said cards from them usually take a few days to be activated.
Ironically, we were VERY interested in the program and did want to go home and seriously think about seeing how we could fit it into our budget.
THEN we started the research, found all of these complaints against them and thank our lucky stars that we stuck with our rule of no expensive impulse purchases. Thank you everyone for sharing your issues.