I worked hard and FHTM has cheated me out of my pay!
But I still believe in Direct Marketing!
I just have to say that it is no surprize that there are people out there who cant handle working a program that truly offers a way to make an income that will surpass what anyone would pay you in a traditional job. Most people I meet that think this or any other program is a scam is because you actually have to work! These are the same people who make less that $10 an hour, take long lunch hours, cheat there boss of the time that they get paid, call in sick and will never do anything to go forward in there lives. They will instead sit at there desk and dream of getting married to someone who will make tons of money and save them from there poor pittiful lives. Well That truly NEVER Happens!
Every business needs customers, every business has the right to pay those who do more for them, they also have every right to market products Via through go getters so they will not have to pay people to sit on there ass's and not do anything for the company just so they can have a pay check. I have got news for everyone, direct marketing is our future! Companies can no longer afford to pay idiots to work for them with all of the health care bull and tax problems. This is truly the way for those who want to have a real pay check coming in and have a life to go share. I have lost more money in the stock market this year than I care to share!.
If you think that joining a company and sitting on your butt to see if it works is how to measure its value then I would imagine you are the same people who ownes an exercise video and equipment and thinks that watching it sit in the corner is how to loose weight!
Nothing in life happens without getting off of your butts and making it happen!
So the truth for all of you who have nothing better to do that to bitch about the truth as to why you did not make money which is you just did not put out any effort, is to get off of your missinformed butts and see that you are truly the problem, not the company.
However this is not the case with FHTM! When I saw FHTM I looked into it and decided to join. After working my butt off and bringing them over 900 new customers I have yet to be paid! I have turned them over to the authorities and hope to get this resolved. I encourage everyone not to do business with them.
I since then have moved over to another company that I am very happy with and are paying me ontime as I should be. However it does not help that I am over $40, 000 short of pay this year due to this company FHTM.
I know how to build a business and have brought this company alot of money. I just want to get what was promised to be my pay. This company has given good marketing companies a really bad name and that is not fair. I am not a member of AMway but they own a football stadium now and no one that goes there thinks it is a scam!
Thank God I had a chance to move to another company before I lost everything!
Email me if you want to know the peoples names.
[email protected]