I think the FICA scoring system is a scam created for the credit card companies.
Me and my wife paid off and closed two credit card accounts, this was due to there high interest rate. We then opened a new account with lower rates and better benefits. By doing this it dropped our credit scores, so we get punished by your scoring system for doing the responsible thing with our money.
It is a no win situation, if you keep the bad accounts you pay more in interest, if you close them and open better one's you get a bad score and pay more interest on something else. If you keep them open and get new accounts you still loose because that also drops your score.
A persons score should be calculated based on credit history. Closing high interest accounts/loans for a lower rate should show your looking out for your money and raise your score.
The reason I am complaining is by getting a lower interest rate credit card my score went from Excellent to Good, now I can not get the lowest mortgage rates and my homeowners and car insurance will probably go up to... SCAM...