Buyers BEWARE.
Do not buy any foreclosed homes in San Diego with sellers who use the Fidelity National Title Insurance Company located in the Stanislaus County - particularly Tully Branch.
The 14+ day delay was completely them because the lenders were done one week prior to the scheduled close date.
If you are a first time home-buyer and want to avoid a 14+ days delayed, ask about the escrow company/branch used upfront.
This escrow branch makes the stereotypical DMV seem like NASA. They do not care whether you need to reschedule movers, appliance deliveries, or time-off from work because they cannot work efficient enough to get what needs to be completed to the recorder's office.
I cannot stress the heartache I have had in anticipation of this purchase. I just wish I was clairvoyant to know about this particular branch of people because I would have made a run for the hills.