First American Home Buyers left five (5) year loyal customer with 88 year old father and animals without AC for 40+ days in TEXAS!
Father and I have been to emergency rooms; doctors visits for stress; heart problems, etc.
First American is a terrible company and should not be allowed to practice in TEXAS.
Now they want the final 'evaluation' so they can close the case and all I had asked bask on the 10th day without AC is reimburse us for all AC units/parts we bought for their contractors.
My father has heart issues he never had before this which is documented.
First American CEO/CFO don't care-First American could care less about loyal customers and now with all the medical bills and pain and suffering I plan to campaign with the State licensing bureau.
If First American's CFO/CEO sleeps at night-you should be ashamed!
How you treat fellow human beings especially the elderly; well, it will come back to you twenty fold.
Channel 4 and Washington Post and Dallas Morning News who are doing stories on all these companies taking money and big salaries...well I intend to make sure EVERY NEWS AGENCY especially Fox News-OReilly, Rush and Hannity know of your scam!