May 21, 2009
!!!!careless company ever!!!!
I've been a CFP customer for a while at least a year now and so far the pricing is A.OK. Ever heard of that saying you get what u pay for? Yep. believe me it is true! They decided to take my money and accuse me of not paying my bill and disconnected my service w/out notifying me AT ALL! I have small children from age 9months-a 5yr. old child. So did u noi how fun was that?!!! I was at work at the moment but the babysitter was at home and I work about an hr. away therefore my husband had to get off his busy work place and find out what happen. So he called me and told me to find out due to the fact that it was under my name. I called their customer care and told me they never received my payment. So I look at my statement. GUESS WHAT??!! They took my money!!! So the lady told me to go out of my inconvenience and get a proof from my bank that I paid them. Which I was like OKAY... i guess about it. Then of course I had to leave my JOB with the economy going the way it is "sure cut my hrs. and go fix their mistake." anyways GUESS WHAT???!!! I have proof now, so I'm assuming YAHHHH i get my power back, but... did I???? HECK TO THE NO!!! The lady I first spoke to told me that it would be taken care of and all i have to do is fax those information and to remind you guys it was only 11:00am. from 11:00am I try to fix their mistake but did they gave a darn if me and my children got our service back and to remind you guys it was close to summer time!!! soooo... did i get my power that same day??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! They kept basically said I try to skip my payment and carelessly kept asking for their money... I work with customer service since i was 14yrs. old so I KNOW THAT IS NOT HOW YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMER!!! my boss would write me up for that well i guess they wouldn't for a min. b/c i love working with people and if you don't pls... do not work in those areas!!! anyway since their manager didn't seem to care too i assume the whole company is like that... SO BEWARE OF THE CARELESS AND NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE JOB PEOPLE... DO NOT BECOME A VICTIM!!! well let me wrap it up i end up paying and lost that money they already took and what's worst they know that they posted on the wrong account and still they dont care because is not them going through it its me and my family... WHAT A HUGE BAD "CHOICE" I MADE!!!:0((((((((( FIRST CHOICE POWER IS NOT THE "POWER CHOICE" TO MAKE!!! AT LEAST NOT FOR ME!!!